The Punny Pig Place (Jokes)

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  • Les Toreadors

    Hahaha @jkhab69 I like @kelani’s puns. They are very punny :) Did you see the Pig Bang theory on page 1?

    Hey @kelani, guess what my final entry for the Birdday event is?

    It’s entitled “An Oink Too Far“, featuring an historical account of Operation Brisket Garden, based on a #TrueStoryBro!


    A few months after the infamous Bay of Pigs Invasion, the Bad Piggies seek to push deep into the heart of Angry Birds territory by mounting the largest chairborne operation in history. The 202nd Chairborne Infantry Division will conduct (ch)airdrops close to the Arnham and Njibacon bridges in the Netherhams, bypassing the majority of defensive Angry Birds slingshots situated on the Western Front.

    The XXth Panzerkampfbacon Division will break through behind Angry Bird lines and link up with the air-deployed chairborne pigs (who said pigs can’t fly? they have rock-it lawn chairs on my youtube channel :3), then push onwards into the Birds’ heartlands. They claim they will enjoy roast turkey by Thanksgiving!

    Historical Outcome:

    Operation Brisket Garden proved to be less of a success than anticipated, as heavy Panzerkampfbacons (armored fighting bacons) bogged down in soft polders and were restricted to a single road for their entire advance.

    Further, heavier than expected resistance around Njibacon and Arnham proved to be a major hindrance to lightly armed chairborne forces, which got bogged down in house to house slingshot combat, and subsequently failed to capture the bridges in time before they were demolished.

    Thus cut off from reinforcements until the XXth Division erected pontoon bridges, the chairborne pigs were summarily dispatched by the Angry Bird defenders. At Oosterbeak, the drop zone key to the success of the Njibacon Bridge effort, was overrun by The Blues, preventing crucial resupply to the attacking piggies.

    Elements of the 303rd Hainanese Chicken Rice Regiment, although greatly outnumbered in the opening days of the operation, successfully held their ground despite the lack of Bomb and Chuck support. Once heavy Bombs and long-range hyper-velocity Chucks were committed in-theatre, the defending Angry Birds successfully fought the invading Pigs to a standstill in the vicinity of Arnham, preventing further advances by bacon forces until late in the Second Pig War.

    Writer’s note:

    Adapted from Operation Market Garden, 1944.


    what do you call a pig with three eyes? piiig


    XD Nice @jkhab69

    Pigs hope that, in the winter, the birds will be stopped by the snow.
    They’ll be Brrrrrds!


    …So one day in the Winter, once Chef Pig’s stocked up food ran low and every pig in King Pig’s castle was busy with the infamous “Indoor Garden” (Except for King Pig, bored in his throne as always), a pig decided to graffiti a side of King Pig’s house and cover it with a tarp (and 2 nails).

    King Pig didn’t notice.

    When Summer came, the pig unveiled the tarp and his message showed.
    Suddenly, every pig with a lawn came storming to King Pig’s house. What did the graffiti say?

    “Laun moer rentls”


    (I know it’s lame)

    What do you get when you separate big?

    A: Mortal enemies!

    Guess why :)

    King Chuck

    What you obtain when you put a creeper(Minecraft, Google search) and a pig in a room?
    5000 points!


    This joke is pretty lame.
    Why did the pigs poach eggs instead of scrambling them?

    If they scrambled, the eggs might have ran away! (scramble => scrambling away => RUN AWAY!)

    Even lamer. :P
    Why didn’t the King Pig drink whine at the party?

    It’s snout the right type of whine. (Who can drink something that isn’t a liquid? And realistically, it’s an illiterate pig that “wrote” WINE on the bottle.)


    I have another one!

    How do King Pig’s spies write in secret messages?

    With the pig pen code.


    “The Tale of Mr. Springie”
    a pun intentional story by the user the arrow is pointing to


    Approaching fast is the type of year where pigs can be sighted above (And sometimes atop, seconds before they fall through) the rooftops of Pig City with steel coils on their rump roasts.

    I heard of a pig who once took a lot of these steel coils and lined them up, eventually getting to the point where he could see a bird and not get spotted.

    He, quick as a runny babbit, swiped the nest (with a steel coiled net) and ran off, birds giving chase. He saw a red one, a yellow one, and even a black one. Bird fricasee! Before said yellow one (dubbed Chuck for your convenience) could get right on his tail, he jumped right on the steel coils he had lined up earlier. He bounced high up in the air, fell onto another coil, and bounced again with his nest hat.

    However, after a few bounces later, he looked behind him and saw a white bird, catching up while bouncing all the same. After tossing the nest away in shock, The sky darkened, and all it took was a simple little lightning zap for the pig, to declare:

    “She’s no spring chicken!” *Birdum Tsh*


    Clown pigs! Dumber than usual.
    However, most have the arsenal to turn pigs into pie-gs if they use a clownpigapult.


    How did the clever pig solve the riddle?
    He found the answers in the answer key.


    ***Bird Commercial — Just as unneeded here in particular as regular ones everywhere else***

    How many Chucks can a Chuck-chucker chuck if a Chuck-chucker could chuck Chuck?

    And if Chuck-chucker-chuckers chuck Chuck-chuckers for chucking Chuck, will Chuck-chuckers chuck the Chuck-chucker-chuckers back? (And will Chuck chuck the Chuck-chuckers with the Chuck-chucker-chuckers?

    Chuck-chucker-chuckers chuck Chuck-chuckers, who, in turn, chuck Chuck.
    Chuck-E-Cheese chucks kids’ souls.

    (From the old thread, see page 1)


    You can now make animated jokes! Here’s a sample:


    @korath88 Very nice find!


    A follow up to my last joke, including the answer, plus animated!


    Don’t mind me, just dusting off the thread…

    The other day, one of those ninja pigs from Epic showed other pigs how to give a pork-chop.


    Also, the Toons.TV creator is still up.

    Another one:

Home Forums General Discussions Forum The Punny Pig Place (Jokes)

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