The Proud Adventure

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  • Another new hat event popped up today.

    I got 3 birds from the TOF. Red was card #2 (counting from the left), Blue was #3, Chuck was #4. I’ve seen this pattern before in the early days of a hat event. Maybe give it a try?

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  • AggieGuy

    Can any company not go political anymore.


    I got Red’s and the Blue’s and it cost all of my 400 gems to get that far so I took my loot and ran.

    , took me a few moments to get the political angle you speak of but I always ignore it; rainbows belong to everyone and no group can claim them for their own.


    I’m not collecting them.  It’s a crock of shit politicising a family game.  Plus I started getting ads for a Viagra-type pill to which I am not impressed, especially when I let my 8 year old nephew play the game on my device.


    It’s only political if you choose to make it so. You are of course absolutely free to ignore it.


    @aggieguy No. Case in point: Gillette.


    The Thought Police have started kicking players for admitting not liking those hats



    I was able to get 6 hats on my first try this morning (cost me about 1.5K gems in the end though). Instead of the ff button or random selection I tried to systematically select the birds using the below method

    Level 5 – 1st card
    Level 10 – 2nd card
    Level 20 – 3rd card
    Level 30 – 4th card
    Level 40 – 1st card
    Level 50 – 2nd card
    Level 55 – 3rd card

    The only hat I missed out on was Terence, he was on the 1st card instead of the 3rd I selected. I’m pretty happy with the outcome, probably won’t try for him again unless I have a great run. It doesn’t seem worth the potential gem loss since the floors with hats will continue to have 4 cards even after cards have been choosen.


    I can’t get past the first room of level 2 with my 3 birds.

    Joe B.

    <p style=”text-align: left;”>@douglas Same with me but with red and blues. I can’t seem to budge that stone structure at all. Maybe bomb is needed. Anyone have success?</p>


    I was finally able to break that structure in the first room on 2. Get rid of that thingy in the way with blue. Let everything settle down. Then aim red at the middle trampoline so it bounces up to the middle of the structure, then activate just before you hit it.

    Unfortunately, that still leaves 3 rooms.


    I don’t have any problem with the hat event because I ain’t having them.


    Vogel Birdson

    Another event in which I can’t get more than 2 birds. Which means I’m left with another hat set that I will need several 10s of thousands of BP to complete. Just like the Food Hat set, I only managed 2.

    I really like the little adventures but getting them in the ToF is so difficult and costly.


    And it used to be that the first few levels were doable with only 2-3 birds. I have 4 birds and have been stuck on level 2 all week! And even if I made level 3, the prize is 500 feathers. That’s a disincentive to spend gems on the TOF, so screw it.


    I still got just Red and Blues, hate that even if you can reach floor 20 or 30, they still won’t give you any hats, with all the wasted gems. There is no fun at all, don’t bother to try the event levels.


    I’ve found recently that it’s only possible to complete these adventures with at least 5 hats… I’ve currently got Red, Blues and Chuck, so I’m not even bothering with the adventure until I get 2 more hats, if I can… I currently can’t get past stage 2 either. Also, even though I’m playing every day, it still takes me ages to get enough BPs to complete the hat sets.


    And to make things worse there is the 3 hour wait. I don’t see what purpose that serves. I would feel at least like I had a fighting chance if I could run through it several times to learn from my mistakes.


    I finally got bomb so was able to get through level 5. I doubt I’ll get any farther than that unless tof is very friendly tomorrow.

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