Spark Run!

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  • GrimLockdown

    My Spark runs, levels 262 and 263
    Spark run level 262
    Spark run level 263

    As @asen noticed the points have started to increase (starting from level 261). I think that the new maximum will be 500,000 points at level 300. That will also mean that one needs at maximum promotion–% about 44,500 points for full sparks. My other prediction is that there will be 80 additional levels – meaning level 320 will be the new maximum level. (The previous time we got new levels there were 80 levels.)


    Level 294 at 965%. I hit the 470K max points at Level 288.

    Spark Run L294.png


    Level 300 is now max.

    Spark Run L300_S.png

    Spark Run L300_E.png


    @millforce2k Thanks for the info :)


    Hello everyone. I’m fairly new to this game. Started playing casually back around Thanksgiving. So please excuse any ‘noob’ questions I may ask. I think I’m pretty well ‘up to speed’ on most of the objectives and gameplay.

    Anyway, was that 75,000 Spark offering just a 1 time sort of thing, or does it come up from time to time? It would definitely help jumpstart me on promoting a character or two.



    To the best of my recollection, that was the first time I’ve ever seen that offer show up.  Although I’ll admit my memory isn’t what it used to be.

    Even if it wasn’t the first time to come up, it’s definitely not a regularly recurring thing.


    I kind of thought that might be the case, that it was more or less a ‘holiday offering’ sort of thing.

    I do hope it’ll come up again though, so I can jump in and take advantage.


    Although you couldn’t remember that the spark package has been offered before, you’ve stated about 2 weeks ago in this thread that you’ve bought it.
    Btw. I also couldn’t remember that it has been offered before, so probably it isn’t something with great impact on the memory (or I’ve just completely missed it) .

    So apparently it is a regularly recurring thing since a few weeks.



    Please re-read what I wrote in reply to @vabeachguy ‘s question:

    “To the best of my recollection, that was the first time I’ve ever seen that offer show up.

    So yes, I remembered it coming up a few weeks ago, and it was during that offer that I bought it (I bought many, in fact).

    But I could not remember if it had ever come up prior to that.


    My bad. I didn’t pay close attention to the date when you’ve posted it.
    This was before it was offered for the second time (and in my response I wrongly assumed that it was after the second offering).


    Level 285 (I think), 945% bonus


    For those of you on level 300, with 5 green crowns, are you able to get max sparks ever/often?  I am at 980% and consistently get 4/5. I don’t think the math works to ever get 5/5 based on my usual base scores,  but wonder whether I am figuring that wrong.


    No. Even with 5 Green Crowns bots and to get almost every target on the run, still can’t get 5/5 and max sparks. I am on level 300 from about a week, and most of the time I am around 400 000 after bonus. Situation is same as previous higher level with 5 maximum promoted bots. Again you can’t or if you just get to 5/5 this will be some great luck and will be something like once a month maximum. At least at this moment at level 300, 4/5 means 2012 sparks, which is not that bad at all.



    Not usually, but it does happen from time to time.


    @fortressmaximus Like @pandaczar12, I’ve only gotten full spark a few times. Having the mine segments with the tall gold tower in the back and the row of gold in front is crucial to getting max. I was shocked the other day when I had three segments like that.


    Thanks all, pretty much what I figured.


    Since the Spark Run is currently maxed out at L300, what Level do you think I should go back down to where I’d have a reasonable chance of getting 5/5 segments and earn still earn more than the 2,012 sparks that I’d get for completing 4/5 at L300?



    Does the Spark Run automatically give you an extra 100 sparks?

    5 x 478 = 2,390 but you got 2,490.


    If you complete the spark run, you get an extra bonus of (level-200) sparks.
    Thus when your level is 300, you’ll get 300-200=100 extra sparks.

    Edit (5 minutes later): Of course this formula is only valid if your level is above 200. So as an example: there won’t be 40 sparks subtracted when you are at level 160.



    Interesting.  Thanks.


    Currently there is no such Level. If you go back to level 182 you almost always get 5/5 segments. But at level 182 you get only 1,800 sparks when completing 5/5 segments.

    This calculation presumes quite high promotion (950% or higher).


    @moifirst @optimuspig Never know about that. Good news is that bonus is received even when you get 4/5. Don’ Get back with the levels. You don’t get easier level or with higher chance of full spark win. You can try something like level 260-270 but I am pretty sure that you won’t win full sparks every time. I am playing every time on the highest possible level.


    @asen @optimuspig
    The extra bonus sparks have already been mentioned in this same topic Spark Run! about 11 months ago.

    Here’s is an overview of the number of sparks you can get:
    Level 1-160:      S/S= 18 + (2 x L)
    Level 160-240:  S/S= 178 + L
    (S/S: sparks per (completed) segment; L: level (aka difficulty))

    Important note: Above level 200 you also get a bonus of L-200 sparks (as noted by @grimlockdown) (independent of the number of completed segments).

    Of course level 160-240 has to be replaced now with level 160-300.

    Btw, I can understand that this had slipped your attention.



    I went down to L260, requires 400K points to get 5/5 segments and earn 2,250 Sparks.

    Seems like a reasonable level to go down to.  I think I can reach 400K more often than not.

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