Seastar Pig is here!

Home Forums Angry Birds Fight! Forum Seastar Pig is here!

  • No arena this time! I think I will get the whole ship this time. I am no. 4!
    Also, I want the final blues prize to complete my ss collection and the awesome-skilled Stella helmet.
    What do you think? Will you fight for the prizes?

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  • Pees2te

    I will get this ship and all prices:)


    I should get this ship also. But im missing mainly 4 days of the event but I still should make it


    I’m gonna fight hard! The ship will be too much work though. The drum and Golden Seastar Hat will do!

    Mighty Red

    I’ll do whatever it takes to finish in the Top 10000 in order to get the Golden Seastar Hat, I don’t need the ship parts. The hat will work great with my Stella’s Parfume Bottle.


    What’s so great about these ship parts again? I thought these parts are just like previous Bread Ship for Bomb, except this one is for Red….. no?


    Since I have the burger bow against the clam pig that will join later that should give me an edge to get the missing days points.

Home Forums Angry Birds Fight! Forum Seastar Pig is here!

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