scorpion events point to 500?

Home Forums Angry Birds Fight! Forum scorpion events point to 500?

  • How much will be needed to be in top 500? Anyone near this rank actually? Im 300 with 37k.

    Anyone think 40k will be enough?

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  • Replies
  • platium

    not enough at least 45k


    I went to sleep with 39k+ ranked 240 now 390 with 41k. I have hard time getting help with super scorpion 85+ and shark 17+…. dunno how the help system works but I never get help request when I have 3 ship energy… only when I have 1 or 0 left.


    @platinum last event had very good ship

    i think 45k will be enough
    I have 47k and 76 place


    hi @pees2te

    my handle in fight is platium. what is your handle?

    now i have 47k at 207 position. left an hour more. should be safe.


    hi @pees2te

    my handle in fight is platium. what is your handle?

    now i have 47k at 207 position. left an hour more. should be safe.


    I went totally ballistic this time to actually get the ship, and managed a 409th place…

    But the help system seems to trigger only when there are one (or two) ship energy left.

    It should be possible to hunt for fights to join instead of having the waiting game and spending the energy on more or less “point”less fights with lower valued monsters.


    Made it to spot 396. Now i’d like a double attack red mat to go with this ship


    out of curiosity, who made it to top 500 and still have ship energy reward from the labs?

Home Forums Angry Birds Fight! Forum scorpion events point to 500?

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