Question about Gold bundle

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum Question about Gold bundle

  • Can someone tell me what these little gold boxes are for? and if they’re worth it. Usually I see special events like this in a dome, these gold boxes seem new to me (I could also not be paying attention).

    If they’re the gold boxes that give you gems, should you expect to get more than the 10 gems to start the game (11 in my case, since I have to switch TFs since mine is upgrading).

    Thanks in advance!

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  • Replies
  • Galaxes

    I bought them like twice. One of them got me 10k gold with magnus and the other time i bought them i only got like 3k gold or smth.


    Thanks @galaxes. I guess it’s like the other boxes in the game – sometimes it’s worth it, sometimes it’s not. I’ll take a chance next time.


    I have never found it worth it. You can get 20,000 coins from doing a couple normal runs on the map. I have never found it worth it to use gems to get coins when coins are free. I have always accidentally unlocked these levels from getting my coins from the map no wish I could hide this feature from ever showing on the map. I would never use it again in the game


    It’s just coin multiplier, something like 5x or 10x. But when you use Goldbrick as an energonicon you get that multiplied by 2, 4 or 8 (I think). So, it should be quite easy to get 20–50k coins after video doubling.

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum Question about Gold bundle

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