Pumpkin caps for battle awards

Home Forums Angry Birds Fight! Forum Pumpkin caps for battle awards

  • Once again, I’m probably missing something…
    What good are these awards being given for defense against a particular pig in these monster pig battles, like “defense up against red.” You never know who will be appearing against you till it’s too late, so why would you want to use it?

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  • jay-red-1

    @sealy That’s one of the weakest item skills in the game.These hats are probably intended to only be useful if you have B or C hats so that the Pumpkin Hats are better no matter how bad the effect. If you have any other A item or above, they’re pretty much useless.


    Thanks, that’s what I thought, but wasn’t sure.


    Well, they’re just free 1200 coins for each one. So overall 6000 coins if you get ’em all.


    That’s how I look at it @gulgor0, but the 3 I’ve sold (Red, Chuck & Blues) sold for 1350 each. I presumed they sold for the same amoutn for each of us. I wonder why yours sold for less.


    @justpast40 I just rounded the sum up, because I couldn’t remember what was the exact amount.


    I just figured out these could be useful in arena battles. Right now I could use the one I sold protecting me from bomb, cuz I’m doing poorly already.


    @sealy the pumpkin cap which gives boost against bomb is only available for the blues, bomb’s pumpkin cap gives boost against matilda so in arena battles you can actually pretend they have no skill


    Ahh, really? I didn’t look carefully enough, obviously. Good, now I’m not kicking myself every time I run up against one!

Home Forums Angry Birds Fight! Forum Pumpkin caps for battle awards

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