Priorities in spending snoutlings?

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Priorities in spending snoutlings?

  • Like the title says, I have to buy lots o stuff so I need some advice on what to buy first?

    Fruit cake rank 2, pig cherry juice rank 2, burning veggie cake, priest, marksmen, or buy classes upgrades? (I have most of the classes that I use on elite lvl though)

    Or buy potions and seeds for crafting stuff?

    Really wanna know, coz I think I pretty much wasted my 1000 snoutlings on avenger class..

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  • cheeky

    priest is a must have when using rainbird, if you spirit link all birds then use healing rain you get THREE doses of it, and that’s a lot of health.
    from my experience marksmen is kinda bad.
    get fruit cake rank 2, healing all birds with a lot is good.
    in no way should you use avenger over it’s brother, paladin. all i need to say.
    just get priest and fruit cake rank 2


    If you think marksmen is bad, try this the next time you fight the golden pig. Use samurai, marksmen and wizard.

    1. Hit pig with marksmen
    2. Use chuck’s speed of light attack and attack with samurai.

    My birds do anywhere from 5100-5800 damage in the first round. The 5800 damage is when I watch the video that adds a 10% bonus. You can kill the golden pig in 1 or 2 rounds every time this way which guarantees you will 3 star it.

    Can you think of a faster way to kill the golden pig without using marksmen?


    @killerKea — What level birds are you talking about, and what are they armed with?


    It doesn’t really matter. My birds are all level 29 elite. If you aren’t level 29, the game will have you fight a golden pig that is your level. The daily golden pig I fight has between 4600-6800 health. I was just tying to show cheeky one way to use the marksmen. He can figure out the rest. I mistakenly assumed he has the golden chili, but the demonstration above is still a good way to see the power of the marksmen. You can use the cannoneer instead of chuck if you don’t have the golden chili to leverage the power of the marksmen.

    My items are L25 Titan’s Wrath, L29 Titan’s Grip, L29 Lightning Tome, L29 Chronos, L29 Ballista and 3 star Mighty Card (pig item).


    @killerkea i don’t have any golden items, no gold chili no gold cauldron no gold anvil no gold anything


    I’ve never been into marksmen maybe I should try it out. I like skulkers between the two… But never really tried marksmen just didn’t read to be as good as skulkers. priest is a must! Don’t pay for anything you can farm in my opinion. Between cake and juice it is a tough one. Juice will heal more but only 1 bird as to where pie is all 3 birds. My suggestion to you @cheeky is to farm snoutlings from the board with captn pig just south east of professor pigs and buy them all :) western cobalt platous it’s called. Kill captn pig let snoutlings add up and restart level. 10 snoutling every 10-15 seconds this way


    No detailed reply yet :(

    So first I should buy Priest. That’s the only thing I’m sure of. Please tell about other things too, coz eventually I will buy everything, just need advice on what should I purchase in order.

    I would agree on getting the priest, she’s very useful with rain bird or paladin.
    Personally, I quite like the marksmen is certain situations such as with ninjas and I’d buy it.
    I personally have no problem with the pig cherry juice at rank 1 for now, so I’d go for the cake then the pig juice after.
    If you use the rage chili often, I would get the burning veggie cake before the pig cherry juice rank 2. I think the hot veggie cake works fine for me personally as I never really needed to use more than one in a tight situation since i usually filled the chili about halfway most if the time.
    If your most used classes are already elite, I’d get everything else first then work on the other classes last. That was pretty much how I did everything, but I think it depends on your play style, so in short:

    1. Priest
    2. Marksmen or Fruit Cake rank 2
    3. Pig cherry juice rank 2
    4. Burning veggie cake
    5. Elite all other classes.

    As for buying potions and items for crafts, I personally never do, so I can’t say how worth it that is.

    And Sorry to hear you lost the 1000 snoutlings on the Avenger, it really is probably the worst class in the game. If you don’t already know or haven’t gotten there yet I would highly suggest grinding King Pigs castle. You’ll get 300 coins at the end and it isn’t that hard to beat at all if you’ve got elite classes. I finished it without set items or masters many times in maybe 5-8 minutes and I think the turnout is quicker than WCP.


    Upgrade paladin to elite first. The extra damage he does will help grind faster. Actually I would upgrade all of the birds you play most often — espcially paladin and druid.

    My advice would be don’t buy the burning veggie cake until you craft 75-100 regular veggie cakes. All of the veggie cakes get upgraded to burning veggie cakes, the former being easier to craft with only tamatoes than the latter which require more time-consuming grinding for ice chilis. Note that potions do NOT upgrade like veggie cakes… your sea berry juice disappers when you upgade to snow apple juice.

    I wouldn’t upgrade to fruit cake 2 until you upgrade pretty much everything else. The minimal extra healing isn’t worth the expense.

    Don’t buy potions or crafting stuff since you can get it without speding anything.


    All potions and cakes get upgraded automatically when you buy a better recipe. They do not disappear. Your ability to make things with the old recipe disappears. For example, if you have 50 sea berry juice and buy the snow apple juice recipe you now have 50 snow apple juices not 0.

    I strongly disagree with the advice to not buy potions especially when they are on sale for 50 snoutlings. You can grind King Pig’s castle to earn over 300 snoutlings each time. 300 is enough to buy 5 potions or 5 veggie cakes. Many people conquer the castle in 5-7 minutes. I put my game in auto play and it takes 6-8 minutes, but I’m watching TV or doing something else and not even paying attention to the game. I can set a timer and check back 10 minutes later so it isn’t using much of my time at all. Grinding for ingredients will require much more of your time and you’ll earn less experience. Let’s say your birds are a low level and it takes you 10 minutes to beat the castle. I bet you can’t gather enough ingredients and make 5 items in 10 minutes or less?


    @thebirdstunna i already have every class that costs snoutlings now, just need sea dog, thunderbird and skulkers for classes that i need and i think king pig’s castle is less monotonous (i don’t want to play gosh dang WCP for hours on end) and yields more snouts


    Yea I’ve been grinding experience and snoutlings from king pig’s castle in auto play (lightning bird, druid, spies).
    I guess I’ll be buying potions then.

    Already bought Priest, yet to try it out though.

    So imma get lots of potions now, then go for their upgradation I guess.
    Then Imma buy the Marksmen and then upgrade all of the classes to elite.

    Thanks for suggestion guys.
    I’m stuck in Cave 5 :(

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