Power of all epic set items increased or decreased?

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Power of all epic set items increased or decreased?

  • I just logged into ABE and I wanted to change the headgear for my red bird. Then I looked at bird’s health and attack strength and its higher than it was when I logged into the game few hours ago. Few hours earlier health of my red bird was 1512 now its over 1600. It was equipped with titan wrath and titan grip. So I went and checked stats of them both and their power increased. There was no update during this few hours. Also checked set items of other birds and they also have increased stats.

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  • cosmo2503

    I am not sure that AB epic has in-game updates but if that is right it is probably followed with pigs health increased too and probably in pig’s favor.


    I just finished cave 5 and pigs’ health didnt change at all. Only set items have their power increased, all non set items’ stats didnt change.


    Got the same thing, I was super happy because I got lots of set items when I was level 15 or so, now they have decent stats and I can use them again :)


    All my set items also increased in how much base damage or base health they provide. Earlier set items are still weaker than newer ones, but I suspect some set items might have gotten better upgrades than others. I also got my first special offer since updating to 1.0.12.


    Before this in-game update, some blueprint items were actualy stronger/closer in stats with set items, I suspect that the chances of getting set items have been reduced, but it’s still unclear if it’s true or just a rumor.


    I can’t imagine why they’d lower the chances any more, I’ve played every day since the game has come out and I’ve only been able to roll for 1 stinking set item.


    Approximately how many rolls have you done so far? You can figure that out by looking at your rainbow. If you’ve completed the rainbow, then that is 50 rolls assuming you didn’t buy any 20 LC spins.


    I took advantage of the Rainbow Riot Offer (5/8 rolls were set items), the set items are indeed stronger, giving a huge boost over the most powerfull blueprint items.


    I was asking seggy, but 5 out of 8 spins producing set items is truly remarkable. Since the set item powers increased I’m now able to kill the golden pig in one round and get a perfect score of 40,0000. I did 25 rolls during the rainbow riot offer and only got 3 set items. I’m glad they increased the power of the set items since they should be more powerful than stuff you can craft. It is just a shame that you never get an item from a tough boss like nearly every other RPG.


    @killerkea not all of the rolls were cheap, I bought a couple of 20 LC spins for higher chances, but still I’m suprised as well. Until now I scraped all of my set items due to them being weaker than the best blueprint gear obtainable.


    Haha… I didn’t believe this until I checked. I have a mix of set items. 1/3 are from level 29 the rest are from level 25. My level 25 set items were weaker than some of the latest GPM items, but since this change, they are all stronger. Pretty cool. :)

    Edd Tillen

    I just had 18 roles on the rainbow riot and got no set items. I do this every week after collecting a full set of gilden pigs and the last time I got a set item was about 3 weeks ago. So I must have had at least 40 roles since my last set item. The chances are supposed to be tripled during a rainbow riot, so I hate to see what the chances actually are outside of a rainbow riot.

    The only thing I’m gaining is the rainbow bar is gradually filling up, and if I’m lucky I might get a set item once every 3-4 weeks (come to think of it, that might be why I got that last set item).

    Anyway, I’m getting really frustrated with it, and might dump the game altogether. Is their a glitch, or am I just seriously unlucky?


    Rovio dramatically reduced the rate at which Epic set items appear. Even for the weekly thing at 3x odds.

    Where we might have gotten a few items out of 20 triple spins, now, you’re lucky to get one.

    I wouldn’t bother with them.

    Zeke Kaiser

    Really? I have gotten two since they fixed it again. Just normal free spins without rainbow riot. You may have just had an unlucky streak.


    Anecdotally, across many, many people, rainbow riot is not producing the same results as when it was first released.

    Zeke Kaiser

    Maybe my luck is backwards. The first few times after rainbow riot came out, I would always try a couple times (5-6). I never got an epic item from rainbow riot, so I gave up trying.


    Hmm interesting that they update the set stats. I currently only have 2 Epic items, no sets.. hopefully when I get the sets at a higher level my lower level Epic items will be upgraded to match and not be left behind with lower level gear.


    @nytmair – they will stay at level you obtained them no matter your level.


    @madmike- Ah, thanks. I must have misinterpreted this post.


    @tigertedd It sounds like you’ve been unlucky. Not counting when a set item is guaranteed I’ve gotten 11 items out of 93 spins or 11.8% during rainbow riot.

    Since the latest update 1.1.13 I’ve been pretty lucky. I’ve gotten 2 set items on free spins. Since I’m not on Facebook I only get the free spins every 2.5-3 days.

    Zack Voyager

    Hey guys ! Last time info : The #97 video of ZackScottGames’ ABE Youtube walkthrough (before the last one) showed a bug on the “rainbow riot-ed” GPM where each time he did spin the machine, Piggy Mc Cool & 3 other specific friends filled the rainbow bar !! Unbelieveble !
    For info : ZackScott is a big sucking cheater who spends $ 80-100 per month to buy LCs.


    I haven’t had the Time Jump set very long, but it definitely feels like it gives you an extra turn 15-20% of the time not 10% because I’ve had many times where I get 2 free turns which isn’t that great when I use the rain bird to battle ninja, but it is fantastic when I’m using something like the lightning bird, paladin and sea dog.


    Time Jump is great even if you’re using something like Wizard…

    In a mob of 4 or more, he will do very nearly as much damage as Paladin + Sea Dog.

    Edd Tillen

    I think I’ll take that advice. I’m not sure what else to spend Gold Coins on though. I’ve hit a bit of an impass. I’m somewhere in the end cavern (about the fourth one along), my guys are levelled up as much as they are likely to be, I’m not getting any more powerful weapons, and I’m struggling to progress. I’ve gone from playing every day for about 4 months, to not having touched it in a week.

    Shame really. It annoys me to devote so much time to progressing in a game only to reach no real satisfactory conclusion. And I don’t get any particular enjoyment from revisiting it and doing what is essentially the same level, over and over again.


    @abyssuss — Don’t know if you’re aware that you (only you personally or admins) can edit the main post of this forum, including the title, by tapping the edit button at the top of the main post. I know you started this a long time ago, but it continues to be active. Every time I see it and the title “Power of all epic set items increased?” I wish the title were “Power of all epic set items decreased?” which is what people think has happened in the recent update.
    So my suggestion is to change the title to “Power of all epic set items increased or decreased?” and put a sentence in the post explaining that when you started this forum it appeared that the health and power had been increased, but more recently it appears to have been decreased.

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Power of all epic set items increased or decreased?

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