New/more weapons appearing for all birds?

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum New/more weapons appearing for all birds?

  • @all Thank you for your contributions and tipps/hints to this forum!

    I have been a silent visitor/reader for quite a while and consider myself not being a complete newbie to the game. My birds were almost all level 50/12 before the update (which I do not really like, too and I am with myself if I should continue playing/grinding), I have won all stars, I own most set items (some moderately enchanted) and gear and do not really care about the arena (never made it past silver). I also do not use Facebook, so no friends on any list.

    Well, here is my observation: has anybody encountered new weapons appearing for the birds, too!? I do not mean set items, I have won new weapons when making free spins at the golden pig. Like some other players I am collecting the weapons for the birds and do scrap only duplicates, so I can definitely say that there is new gear apart from sets. So far I have won a “Kratzlanze” for Red, a “Klebriger Zauberstab” for Chuck, “Treue Karten” for Blues and so on. I am playing the German version on Android. I won all these new weapons after levelling up from 50 to currently 58. It seems that Rovio has introduced new gear with this update but did not mention it specifically. Or did I miss something!?

    New weapons/gear might sound nice at first but it is not really useful at all when normally using sets. Even worse it would also mean an again lowered chance to win a set item at the golden pig! I cannot remember winning a set item with a free spin for quite a long time, only when the rainbow bar was full or as a daily reward once a month. Bad luck I suppose… After two years playing I am still missing some items but I have the most important ones.

    Ok, let´s finish for the moment. Thanks for reading!

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  • RedYoshi45

    I too am playing in German so, Willkommen :D
    It could well be possible there’s new weapons appearing – after all they raised the level cap so they’d have to give out stronger weapons than before.
    However, with those new items appearing the old items will disappear as you level up – so no real changing in the odds, at least that’s what I think ;)

    Yeah it’s likely bad luck you had… I too rarely get set items from the GPM right now but they do appear. (Your chance is much greater during a Rainbow Riot so if you wanna spend LC’s for GPM spins, do it then!)


    @bigmac69 Can you post a screenshot of these gears you speak of? I’d love to see them. Since I have a lot of weapons and offhand items in my inventory, I can compare to see if they are really new or not.


    I can confirm there seems to be new weapons/off-hands (at the very least ones I don’t remember ever seeing before)


    @pointless Screenshots please?


    I will try to post pictures, I just have to figure out how everything works. Must get used to my profile etc.

    I sometimes spend LC´s during 5x rainbow riot with more or less luck. But I do not burn all of my precious LC´s just in case something else happens, e. g. right now with the elite classes. From the five offers I got I bought four, I have no use of elite thunderbird, now saving again my last 180 coins.

    I have been playing almost since the beginning and the tipps and strategies mentioned here helped me a lot to advance to a decent level with my birds. I am still missing some set items and I never got them but as I said I have the most useful ones like twin lightning, dragon set, beep, sweet etc. Sadly no scissors though…

    Just today I have seen my elite sea dog (59/11) delivering almost 7000 damage with one single blow using the finisher set (level 52, both parts enchanted “only” to 3). And no, he was not linked to another bird giving an extra boost to his power. Whenever possible I prefer a power team like Paladin, Sea Dog and Wizard. Put rage chili on Chuck and the enemies are history. When playing/grinding at SRC Wizpig with almost 20000 health at level 59 might not survive one single round! If combined correctly Sea Dog will attack him four times!

    You won other stuff than I did! I will try with my pictures. Just have to find out to upload them properly.


    @bigmac69 I would certainly argue that Elite Thunderbird is more useful than Elite Bard (and maybe even Skulkers) considering Arena objectives for those if us who play that part of the game…when we’re not bumped to Wood :(
    Anyway, welcome to these forums, good to have more people around with some older ones leaving.


    @pointless None of them are new. I have all three of these that you uploaded. I am guessing you think they are new because you never saw them up until now?


    Possibly, as I don’t really pay attention to the non-Set Items. I just don’t remember seeing these before, but I do scrap most things.


    @datguygamer I think Rovio brings back “old” gear right from the beginning!? Because I just won an off-hand weapon (a tire with some sort of plank attached) for Red I think remember from the beginning of Epic.

    I ignored Thunderbird for a very very long time… I purchased him only four weeks ago when he was on offer for 130 LC´s and he just made it to mastery level 6. Not really powerful:-) Before the update he was one of the six birds left to reach rank 12, some of them were really short to reach the former max. mastery level. Well, the update changed everything and it changed my mind, too. Do I really want to spend much time and effort again to bring the birds to mastery 15!? Without spending very much real money for LC´s, of course. I made a really rough calculation realistically saying No…

    If I remember correctly you now need 131500 points (32500+49500+49500) to bring ONE level 12 bird to level 15, so without playing a single level 263 offers for ONE bird at the dojo. Well, there are 30 birds which would mean 7890 offers just at the dojo. Paying 70 snouts for one dojo offer means a total of 552300 snouts to bring all birds to maximum mastery again. I need even more snouts and offers due to the fact that six birds were still weaker before the update (Sea Dog 11, Witch 11, TH 9 etc.)

    Not to forget the level 52 set items, everything obsolete with the new update! Once again hoping to win a level 62 item!? How many items are there!? Right now we can win 52 items for the birds and 16 for arena. Considering my “luck” at the GPM it might take me 2-3 years. I have been playing Epic almost from the beginning and I still own items at level 35! Never won stronger versions…

    But will 60/15 be the end!? We all know the answer, Rovio increased the level cap (earlier from 10 to 12, now to 15) in the past and they will do it again. Please correct me if my rough calculation is wrong but thinking about it I will spend less time playing Epic, too. I will take a look at events to win elite classes and mastery, I will collect my daily reward but I will stop “excessive” grinding. Looking out of my window I see a brilliant weather:-)


    @bigmac69 @pointless
    Rovio doesn’t “bring back” old weapons. Here’s the thing:
    Normal weapons and off-hand items are tied to the XP levels and under circumstances, after leveling up, you get those particular weapons again, granted those weapons can be obtained from that level you are in. For example, there is a weapon for Bomb called “Sporty Blaster” (the blueprint version is called Football Bomb) . It looks like a football with a star attached on top. You can get that weapon from the GPM only from Level 25, 30 and 35 and never will you see that weapon again. This is the same case here.

    That “tire with some sort of plank attached to it” has two names: if you obtain it from the Golden Pig machine, it’s called “Spinning Shield” and if you craft it from a blueprint it’s called “Tire Shield”. The reason these kinds of things are not widely known is because most people scrap these items and thus don’t pay attention to these. But since I collect weapons and offhand items, I will be able to tell these things apart.


    @datguygamer I get your point and understand what you mean. That would explain why I remember the “Spinning Shield”, I see the German translation/version “Wirbelnder Schild”. I think I scrapped these items a long long time ago because they were of no use for me since obtaining set items. It is good to see them back again and even if I will not use them I will keep them just to complete my collection of items. So let´s wait and see what items appear at rank 60. Thank you for your help!


    Just found one of these new weapons today:

    The “Big Pan”:


    Yes @partshade. The GPM one is called “Big Pan” while the blueprint one is called “Cooking Pan”

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum New/more weapons appearing for all birds?

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