new groups and characters I'd like to see

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum new groups and characters I'd like to see

  • Ok so the groups I would like to see are mainly combiner groups eg. Aerialbots, Stunticons, Protecto-bots, Combaticons,Technobots, Constructicons, Seacons, Predacons, Terrorcons etc. And maybe their combined modes like Superion, Menasor, Defensor, Bruticus, Computron, Devastator, Piranacon (King Poseidon), Predaking and Abominus.
    Obviously you’d have the autobot combiner groups played by the birds and decepticon combiner groups played by the pigs. I mean it brings in a whole lot of new characters into the game but I would have them either be obtainable through missions and NOT having to pay real money for this. Long story short thats what I think should happen soon maybe in an update. So what does everyone think of this idea??

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Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum new groups and characters I'd like to see

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