New Event – I’m Just a Soldier

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum New Event – I’m Just a Soldier

  • It’s Thursday already so it’s time for a new event!

    This event uses two TFs and an energonicon.

    The event banner for I’m just a soldier

    The bonus squad is Command, consisting of General Optimus Prime, Lord Megatron, Major Ultra Magnus, and Major Shockwave. If you haven’t bought war Prime Passes you can now unlock all these TFs.

    All these TFs are also in the exchange with accessories. Edit: But only if you bought Prime pass(es).

    Have fun and good luck!

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  • BarbieB

    Darn! I guessed that this would be next week’s event. I was planning to upgrade my favorite Command bots this week (General OP & Major Shockwave… both only at level 10), but I guess that’ll have to do for now.

    I’m kind of excited for this week :-)




    You say you can unlock major ultra magnus and major schockwave, but they are not in my token exchange?


    I’ve bought the first warpass but didn’t buy the last one. I’m wondering if other players can unlock these characters now without buying the warpass?


    @deindiaan I bought both Prime passes and so I have all the Command squad members already. I had to guess whether those bots are available in the token exchange or not. I’ll edit the message.

    If someone hasn’t bought neither Prime passes what bot(s) you have in the token exchange?


    I never bought a Prime Pass and there is nothing in my exchange except crate and coins.



    More and more reasons to uninstall the game and move on.

    @vabeachguy hating on the new Angry Birds Transformers update in a nutshell:

    Also, you can buy an $20 Apple gift card from any store near you, scan it with your mobile device, and buy the Prime Pass using that. Just some advice.



    You’re right, I absolutely hate how they ruined what was once a great game.

    @vabeachguy People still think it’s a great game. If you weren’t so salty and actually played the game instead of whining over how they removed your precious materials, then you could be able to see why people love the new update!



    Calling someone ‘salty’ is racist against pepper!


    The only positive element in this event is that one can play and try out all 4 different command squad members and find out that none of them is really special. So I’m very happy that I never wasted money on a prime pass.


    I’m ranking the squads and currently I have ranked The Command squad as number 21 (of 25 which have members). Still I’m probably promoting either General Optimus Prime or Major Shockwave to red crown. The Cybertronians are at 22 and they are staying purple.


    @sntrooper same here.

    I did not buy either PrimePass, so no bots are offered except crates and coins:



    @moifirst So the one who doesn’t spend money on the Prime Pass have nothing to play for except gold crates if we collect enough tokens, as probably will be really hard to … again disappointed 😔


    @asen, I think you are right.   It would take a lot of recharges to get the gold crates here with only 420% bonus.  I played enough to try out the new bots and get the 1 gold crate, then quit, no point.   None of these bots seems worth the cost.


    I noticed since this event began, that’s there been one player per day with the promoted bots, the rest are using the usual. I wonder if R/E are salting the leaderboards so that those who paid for bots get an easy ride for tokens by only competing (and having an competitive edge) against those who did not pay.


    I have like 5 promoted bots minimal on my board everyday.


    It depends on your rank and when you start the 1st run of the day. Yesterday, I tried starting right at start and found 10 promoted/bonus bots (more than 6 with green crowns). I finished Mortar tower day with over 165K in points and ended 12th place! The top 6 had over 400-800K each. But when I start my first run the next morning, I usually only see 4-6 promoted bots. However, some may have one bonus bot that’s not fully-promoted (ie. 2nd highest green), and a 2nd non-bonus green crown bot, so only the non-bonus bot green crown bot showed on the leadership board.

    In this Event, it is possible to hit 8500 tokens with only a +420% bonus while spending less than 100 gems total if you can do a full day of runs and recharge on strategic days (ie. blocks-day). You just need to average 1417 tokens/day to get there, but I’m not sure if 10 Gold crates of mostly pigs and coins is worth it though.


    @ abv You hit the nail on the head there- it isn’t worth wasting gems on crates of pigs and coins.


    I wish they bring back Sparks to the Token Exchange. Sometimes that is the only thing I can play for if overpower upgrades/10 Gold crates are out of range with non-bonus bots. Otherwise, there is no point to earn more than 1200 tokens for 1 gold crate.

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum New Event – I’m Just a Soldier

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