New Comp Prime Target

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  • Francis Crawford

    Well, I got 1000 tokens each of the first five days, taking me to 8300 tokens so far. So at this point I’m just messing around.

    Actually am #2 on my leaderboard right now, not that it matters.

    My first two runs of the day were 273 and 272 points. That average has of course not held up.

    Francis Crawford

    I’m not sure I understand what the third pig in today’s picture of targets is. I get the helmet-wearers and the metal box guys, but what’s the one on the right?


    The current event running is a high scoring one as just did my 1st 4 runs and am 3rd with 1260 pigs. By the time I get 550 tokens we get every day I’ll only need 100 tokens to get the cannon and that’s me done

    Francis Crawford

    I’ve only spent 10 gems on recharging today, but have inched into a small lead in my group overnight …

    Francis Crawford

    If @paul13 is implying that the thresholds for 10/20/ …/100 tokens are very low relative to the scores, he’s right. That’s been true most days of the competition.


    Yes I was but it was not on the 1st day they were higher than now.
    Well that’s me done on 1900 Tokens and only need 100 more and can’t see me falling out of the top twenty unless any funnies goes on as I’m on top with 1700 and around 14hrs to wait lol

    Francis Crawford

    Today’s competition is in some cases pretty challenging. When there are multiple WMTs behind rows of monoliths, it can be hard to have a completely clean run.

    I may yet again spend gems for more runs, notwithstanding that I already have more tokens than I know what to do with. (I suspect I’ll be buying Clip + Cube, notwithstanding that they’re duplicative, just because I can.)


    Glassor takes care of the WMT’s very easy lol

    Francis Crawford

    Right. But on some runs there’s a shortage of energons. That’s when it gets interesting.


    My L15 Energon Grimlock is barely fazed by fireballs. I routinely let them hit me so I can keep firing and not getting too far away from pigs.

    Francis Crawford

    @millforce2k — today is the first day of the competition that that hasn’t been true for me. (Level 14 in my case.) Part of the problem, to be fair, is that fireball effects (smoke, slow motion) screw up the UI and makes monolith hits more likely, at least for me.

    One aspect of the game I don’t like is the slow motion. It screws up my timing.


    @optimuspig. I do not have glassor. Only have 3 level *** energonicons. Photoblast usually comes through in 2-3 shots with a healthy dose of L10 EGrimlock. I blame Fat-fingers when I miss activating Photoblast.



    Yea, I try not let the fireballs hit me if I’m approaching a falling monolith. Though, I’ve even let them bonk me so Glassor can clean up. They take three hearts away. I make sure I’m back to full health before living on the edge again.


    @20qmindreader – funny, but I do understand what you’re saying. The falling monoliths, transport mode, etc, Try to always have a cube flying towards me before I empty the energonicon well. Does not always work when there is a dearth of enegon cube targets showing up.



    There are actually four weaponized pigs sitting on towers. I seen the far right one in Pig City sitting next to the middle one. The fourth of is a metal box, not just a pig with a metal helmet.


    The fourth pig, sitting atop the tower.



    FYI, if you’re running one of the Grimlocks, you can actually destroy the WMT fireballs with your weapon. Just press and hold your weapon on the fireball.

    Francis Crawford

    For whatever reason, I almost never succeed in destroying fireballs. Maybe I’m not patient enough …


    I find that it’s generally easier to destroy them just after they’ve launched and before they’ve started to head back down from the top of their arc.

    Also, it’s not an instakill. You have to hold your weapon down manually and keeping pressing until it’s done.


    Well for the first time this comp i hit over the 300.
    There is some transformer that likes me a lot 309.
    The run after the 309 i had 292 so a total of 601 in two runs.
    Thanks Energon Grimlock.


    Am i correct that this event still go on for 4 days or not?
    If so i still can reach my targets



    I’m pretty sure that there is only one more round after the one now. I don’t know where you are, but roughly one more day + a few hours if in USA.

    Francis Crawford

    Thanks re the fireball info.

    Anyway, last I checked I was at 6091 on the strength of 10 + 20 gem recharges. Next was somebody named Paul at 2000 less. Then some dude named Millforce was leading a parade toward 3rd place. :)



    Thanks i always mess up with the dates that are being used in the US and in Europe.
    I read it wrongly then thanks for the fast answer. And i’m living in the Netherlands so Europe.



    Awesome find! Energon Galvitron takes out the fireballs as well.

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