New Community Page

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  • Hey guys,

    We’ve started a New Offical Facebook page where you can contact the development team directly. It’s going to be the best place you can contact us, ask questions, report bugs and everything else! This will also be the best place to hear about updates and changes first (And see the awesome promo art that goes with it).

    In the new year we will start community questions, but until then…Happy Holidays!

    Come join us!

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  • Replies
  • datguygamer

    Give us the option to buy sparks with gems so as to compete with top players.


    That’s great for those who have Facebook but not for those of us who don’t.

    Mighty Red

    What took you so long? :)


    Sounds good. Will the team still look at angrybirdsnest’s forum too?

    Because not all of us are on facebook.


    @lewie4 On this Facebook page will there be a section where players of Angry Birds Transformers can claim back money for the Gems spent for accessories that no longer work as they were promised when on offer, Gems and time spent for Upgrading characters to the highest level for it only to be taken away and Gems spent on a refresh of the competition only to have the game crash? (By the way I have IPhone 7+ And plenty of storage – so your excuse of the device not being up to scratch will not work).


    @lewie4 on this facebook page do you think you will be able to explain why after 2.5 days of competition Unicron Boss (highest scoring level) has not been seen by some players and has been seen by others?


    @lewie4 on this page do you think you will be able to explain how some players who post on this forum have encounted “players” that have promoted their transformers with Sparks to a level that is beyond what is possible given the opportunity to gain sparks? Do you think there will be an option on this page for the players who have come up against this situation to reclaim any gems or money spent?


    @lewie4 do you think on this facebook page you will be able to explain why we have had a “coming soon” for over a year???



    I think you are hoping for something we will never get an answer to or if you do it will be the standard brush off that we get all the time from Rovio:—

    Device RAM not good enough
    Balancing the game
    Make the game more enjoyable
    To name but a few


    Hmm, there are already two (at least) pages dedicated to ABT (angry birds nest and FB) which already have an established community of players, yet Rovio/Exient chose to open a new “official” page after more than two years and when the game is in a downward spiral, losing players by the minute. Could it be that they want a place where they have control of the content and don’t have to worry about all the negative posts (of the crap they pull) discouraging new pidgeons.


    @lewie4 Just tell the developers to learn ethics, that way you don’t have to be ashamed of showing your face around here.


    Nicely stated Swing, I don’t think I’ve ever seen such unrepentant, unethical conduct anywhere. .


    @lewie4 Do you think that this facebook page will be used as a distraction so that Rovio/Exient can carry on trying to get more money off players without providing any new content to the game?


    We would like some assurances that facebook postings and topics will not be deleted. Which is why we would like it on some forum like AngryBirdsNest if possible.


    So to answer a few questions:

    We will still be checking here but our main point of contact will be the new Facebook page.

    Unicorn is a random event that has no guarantee of appearing, similar to boss pig in previous events.
    We are yet to see a player that has more sparks than possible, we will continue to monitor and watch for any cheaters/anomalies.

    We chose to create an official Facebook page to better communicate with the fans and have all posts in a single place. We have only started this page recently as we have heard from the community that they want more contact with the developers and we are wanting to hear feedback from the players.

    For now I will still be monitoring ABN but as previously mentioned, the best place to post going forward will be the Facebook page.


    @lewie4 I have finally had a run with Unicron. So thanks for answering that question….Getting any Gems out of the 3 x Rarium mix is another matter. About 10 tries and “randomly” it has never landed on the Gems first spin.


    @lewie4 it is also this kind of information that helps the player. We go from Unicron turning up every 2nd event or so to not turning up for 2 days or so and we all wonder why. The amount of time Unicron randomly arrives has obviously be reduced.

    Do you have any answers for why some of the accessories that have been purchased through either money or gems no longer work?


    @ncaddy We are currently doing a pass of the accessories to check they work as intended. If you know of any accessories which are not working as intended please let me know and I’ll pass then along.


    @lewie4 the explosive rounds no longer damage surrounding objects and only the visual effect is shown.and acid rounds no longer damage ice blocks.the acid round bug affects acid storm as well


    @lewie4 hopefully the good people on this forum can help in regards to which particular accessories aren’t working (although it doesn’t take too much reading to find a few examples users have already posted). I just know that a few of my transformers aren’t working as they were in regards to the accessories when I got them……I suspect you guys know exactly what has changed since the previous releases as I believe you would have version control on your software and can see from each release what has been modified.


    The cynic in me says that Rovio / Exient having an official Facebook page for updates, changes, reporting bugs and asking questions is the equivalent of the Galatic Empire having a Facebook page for the same reasons.

    Anyone remember seeing a Galatic Empire help desk in the Star Wars canon?


    Buehler? Buehler?

    If the Star Wars reference eludes you, substitute Internal Revenue Service for Galatic Empire. Non-USA players should substitute the title of their nation’s taxing agencies.


    @geli To be honest, if the new Rogue One movie is any indication, I can see that happening in the upcoming sequel.


    @datguygamer HA! Given that Kyle Ren, the new face of the Dark Side of The Force, is an Emo….


    @datguygamer I’ll take Rogue One over the Episode 4 remake.

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