New Character – Slipstream

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum New Character – Slipstream

  • The new character Slipstream is introduced in the newsfeed.

    She is also (at least theoretically) available in the gold crates.
    slipstream-gold crate.jpg

    So I expect that she will be available in the next event.

    Note: She has also been mentioned in the topic New Squad – Noughties , where I wanted to post this first. But after I’ve made some changes in the topic title to make clear that Slipstream was also present in that topic, that whole topic disappeared.

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  • deindiaan

    New squad, so next event playing with 210% promo and trying to get 10.000 tokens :(


    And playing against players who are able to upgrade and apply sparks to green

    crown :(


    If offered for 5K, I’ll skip this bot, and no way am I going to grind to get 10K tokens at 210%.


    So, Rovio, you offered this bot to me for 5000 gems?  No, but thank you (just to be polite and not post what I am really rethinking).


    Got this one for 750 gems.  It’s a pretty good one…only at level 6 but was able to beat unicron today relatively easily.


    Was going to ask what deal price in gems people were being offered.  I got 2000 but there is no way I can afford to pay that so I was going to see what they offered for ‘last minute’ discounts today but I didn’t get any. Did anyone have better deals?



    750 was the offer that I got.


    Mine was a 1,000. The last new one was 2,000 and I didn’t buy it. I still needed to open the last spark run slot. I made a huge mistake not doing that long before. Raking in a lot more sparks now.

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum New Character – Slipstream

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