Maximum Damage Teams

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  • Please post your comments on teams that you think give the maximum damage against various enemies here.
    I will try to summarize the posts in the mastery forum here.

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  • Anonymous

    Marksmen + Sea Dog + Samurai. You can switch out some damage for healing and use Bard instead of Sea Dog. Also if you don’t have Sea Dog Cannoneer is a good replacement.


    Here’s some special Rage Chili combos for people.

    Captain Skulkers ( If unavailable use Tricksters ) and your most damaging of Red class. Put Whip Up on Red and Tricksy Trick on Blues. Chili on Red and get a TON of damage on the baddest pig.

    Thunderbird ( If unavailable do Wizard ) Pirate and Skulkers ( If unavailable use Tricksters again ). Use Arrr on anyone Tricksy Trick ( Cheer if using Tricksters ) on Blues and Rage of Thunder on anyone. Second round use Tricksy Trick on Chuck and Rage Chili on Chuck. Now his Rage attack is 40% to 80% more damaging.


    Honestly I haven’t found a use for Marksmen yet. I really don’t think I’ve used them once. What is it good for?

    Haven’t gotten sea dog yet either to try that out.

    I haven’t bought skulkers yet, and bard is available but I don’t have enough LC. So I’m torn between waiting to buy Bard or go with Skulkers for now. Input anybody?


    Samurai Lightning bird Sea Dog. Probably best combo for strong single enemies.


    This post summarizes some of the information originally under the Mastery thread.

    There are three very good strategies when battling a single opponent that revolve around giving a chilli to chuck. Since Chuck will perform 2 out of the 5 attacks, his Wizard class is the most obvious choice as this is Chuck’s class that causes the most damage.

    For the first strategy, you need Wizard, Marksmen and Samurai (or Cannoneer).
    Firstly, fire Marksmen at the target to put his volley attack onto the target.
    Then give the chilli to Wizard.
    Then attack with Samurai
    Each attack will attract the bonus associated with Marksmen’s volley attack. Hence this works best when you use a bird with multiple attacks, such as Samurai and Cannoneer. This strategy can cause >8,000 points damage in one round (Exp level 41, Mastery levels 6-8).

    For the second strategy you need Marksman, Wizard and Sea Dog.
    Attach Sea Dog to Marksmen
    Fire Marksmen at the target
    Give the chilli to the Wizard
    In the end, Sea Dog gets 4 attacks (2 attached to Marksmen, 2 by himself) (all with the bonus damage from Marksmen’s volley attack)
    Marksmen get 2 attacks (1 with the bonus damage)
    Wizard gets 2 attacks (both with the bonus damage)

    The third strategy is a variation of the second strategy where you use Skulkers in place of Marksmen (you have Skulker’s weakspot in place of Marksmen’s volley). The other birds are Wizard and Sea Dog and you follow the same procedure as for strategy 2. Each attack achieves a 30% damage bonus as a result of weakspot.


    @epicjon You have to learn how to make best use of Marksmen. Marksmen work very well in a team with birds that have multiple attacks. Hit the target with Marksmen and then follow up with Samurai. You can almost double Samurai’s damage. See also the strategies involving giving a chilli to Chuck in the previous post (useful if you have the golden chilli).

    Most players pick up Paladin and then Bard before they start saving for Skulkers and Sea Dog. Go for Bard before the latter two. She is my favourite Matilda class and can be very valuable as you start the Chronicle Caves. Early on, players tend to favour the Druid class, and then move to either Bard or Princess, particularly when fighting opponents where you must do more damage than the Ironclad value.

    Bard causes more direct damage than the other Matilda classes and has a reasonable chance to stun an opponent. She works well with Paladin.

    Princess dispels effects and does a lot of healing to a single bird, which can be important with some battles. But she can be difficult to use.


    I prefer lightning chuck, sea dog and either skulkers or paladin. Sure, wizard does more damage on rage chili, but on plain turns lightning bird outperforms him.

    Also lighning, sea dog and skulkers are my favourite way to take out bosses with chili pies.

    For a one round fight I have something extraordinary: a single wizard with golden chili. He does more chili damage than any other class this way.

    Marksman+samurai with dragonbreathe and a rainbird with twin lightning will get you thru chronicle cave with brutes with ease, too. The best thing about marksman is that his bonus damage trigers from chain attack and set bonus damage. Btw, this is your best combo for dodging enemies.


    @loynis Going into battle with just Wizard and a chilli is an interesting move – if you have a group of pigs with moderate strength.

    The wizard is just included in these lineups to do max damage in one round. I normally prefer the class Rainbird for chuck. But if you don’t need healing, then yes, lightning bird offers more damage during the non-chilli rounds.

    I took Rainbird (old twin lightning), Marksmen (BEEP) and Prince Porky into cave 11 for all the levels with the large thug-type pigs. I mostly finished the pigs off before they could get off a strike. I had the gold chilli to start with and usually gained a new chilli by the time I finished the wave. Even for battles with lots of waves, I usually did not need more than 6-8 chillis. I find Rainbird is important just in case you need healing. And he does a lot more healing (but less damage) when armed with twin lightning compared with chronos.


    @KerrAvon — Thanks for the summary. Do you think you got it all, or should I still try to summarize?


    The strategies where you give a chilli to chuck are designed for attacking a single opponent, such as the golden pig or a strong enemy. They can also be effective in battles against multiple opponents, particularly if you have the BEEP and scissors sets to cause damage to additional targets.

    An alternative strategy which is useful against pigs who are immune to effects, such as pirate pigs, was suggested by @killerkea The team is Sea Dog, Spies and Wizard. The strategy is to have Sea Dog gang up with Spies, give the chilli to Wizard and use Spies to finish off. Spies ends up with 2 attacks, Sea Dog with 4 attacks (2 with Spies) and Wizard with 2 attacks.

    If you don’t have Sea Dog, use Captain instead. Have Captain use Whip Up! on Spies, give the chilli to Wizard and finish with an attack by Spies.

    You can always use Rainbird in place of Wizard if you won’t be able to finish off all pigs and want healing ability within the party.


    @KerrAvaon — I had no idea you were in AUS. Best teams for stunning can be in this thread. If I get it together, I will summarize the current bests in the main post. Thanks for your help.


    @mvnla2 That’s why some of my posts come at 5 or 6 am your local time. I am certainly no early bird.

    I added a strategy for multiple pig opponents – such as the hardest of the levels in the pirate event. I first saw this strategy posted by killerkea.

    I think you can just copy and paste from my post from yesterday into the opening remarks section for this thread. When this is done, I’ll edit my original post and remove the bulk of what I have written. Then it will seem just like a regular thread, and you can let it run from there.


    @KerrAvon — FYI, 5 or 6 am my local time is 8 or 9 am on the east coast of the U.S. I generally don’t pay that much attention to the time messages are posted because there are people from all over the world here.

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