Lost Transformers

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum Lost Transformers

  • Nemesis Prime, Epic Optimus, Shockwave, Rodimus Prime,and the next one might be Windblade.
    The thing that these Transformers have in common is that they are all earned in the events that the update has in store. My only rant about this is that if you don’t get it, it’s gone forever.

    My ideas to fix this predicament are…

    A. create a shop and put the lost transformers in them.you can only get them if you have enough coins AND gems.
    B.CREATE THE OTHER SIDE OF THE ISLAND and put the lost transformers there…
    C.add unlimited trials to the event so that you CAN get them first hand.

    I know a few (thousand) people will be DYING to get them. Do this, and you might just help the angry birds transformers community by a long shot.

    Thank you for your time. Peace!

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  • Optimus_Pig

    1. Angry Birds Nest is an independently owned and operated website, unaffiliated with Rovio. If you want to send them a suggestion, you need to do it directly.

    2. Just FYI – Nemesis Prime and Rodimus Prime were both available for purchase using cash only, for limited time periods last fall. Neither of them were available through the Challenge/Competition event format that EOP, Shockwave, and Windblade have been.


    @optimuspig Still doesn’t excuse the fact that all of them are timed exclusives and this method is pretty much the toughest option to get bots in a game where the main goal is to get bots and upgrade them.

    Out of all the Rovio spin-offs, Angry Birds Transformers may just be the dullest game out there with the Angry Birds title and they are making ways to make it even more dull.




    I’m not trying to excuse Rovio of anything.

    I just want to make sure that people have the facts straight.


    @optimuspig Fair enough. But what do I know, I even uninstalled the game but Rovio should get their facts straight and figure out that this event fiasco is absolutely garbage.

    I just can’t see the logic here; why not make these bots free during events and then make them be purchased with whatever currency they want after the event is over? What kind of person would think “Yeah, it’s totally okay to make every new content in the game exclusive for a limited time”.


    Many things in life are available for a limited time or for a limited quantity. If you didn’t get them at the time, you miss out. That’s just the way it is.

    I saw a lovely antique carpet in Marrakech. I wished I had bought it, but I didn’t. I saw some lovely ikat scarves in Tashkent. I wish I had bought them, but I didn’t.

    There are limited edition accessories on many games – special Christmas hats and Easter eggs and stuff; if people don;t get them at the time, they will never have them. Sometimes it isn’t even limited edition stuff that gets discontinued – remember monocles for grimlocks? I wish I’d got them when I still could, but I didn’t. Too bad.

    But I would certainly object if I had bought or earned limited edition, exclusive things and then they were made generally available at a later date.


    I totally agree with @minionmine and the only character i didn’t get was EOP during CNY but hoping the next CNY, he’ll be available but at a much lower amount of tokens (instead of 6000 make it 3000)


    @weenaoise Yes, because why wouldn’t you. Of course since you have them you would want them to be exclusive to you and others who bought it. At the same time think about what would happen to them if they missed out. You are talking about missing out on a simple accessory while many here have missed out whole robots and 45 worth of ranks. That’s missing out on a lot (even for new players). What about them? Just because you paid for them doesn’t mean others don’t get to have that just because they didn’t or didn’t get the chance to. I have paid for stuff in games but later found out that it was made public. So what? That doesn’t mean I can gobble around with that kind of narrow mindset that since I have paid for it, it will remain closed accessible. Real nice sporty spirit there, buddy.


    @weenaoise, i have to agree to some point with @datguygamer… if i were a new player that had downloaded the game just today, that should mean that for sure i was going NOT TO HAVE at least 4 TF’s..this is not fair for new players…
    Something that can be done, is to put again somehow these 4 TF’s, especially as it was the previous months, by accomplishing missions. i wouldnt mind, even if personally have spent tons of hours to unlock Shockwave-Windblade which were free. the other 2 bots that someone have paid for them, could also be given throuout missions or events and for the players that had already paid for them, could be a reimbursement in gems !! have you given 10USD to buy one TF ?? rovio could give you the amount of 10 USD in gems… just an opinion of course,because i would really love to have all TF’s in my collection and i am missing these 2 !!!!


    Here are some options:

    1. Make the challenges re-occurring events. Make the exclusive character available once per year, 6-months, etc.. There’s no reason these characters couldn’t pop up as prizes in future challenges. For example, Nemesis Prime could pop up again next Halloween. Epic Prime could pop up again next CNY, etc.

    2. Make them available for cash purchase during re-occurring, limited windows of time. For example, maybe next CNY there is a new exclusive character to win via competition, but Epic Prime also returns for cash purchase during that limited time period.

    3. Make them available for gem/cash purchase in the game at all times. Or perhaps, at the end of the year, make a 2016 character pack available for purchase.

    I have all the exclusives but Nemesis Prime. I have no objection to any of them being made available again.

    I think preventing new players from getting the exclusive characters is a HUGE turn-off to bringing in new players (and thus new revenue streams). However, I think making those exclusive characters available for free would be unfair to those who spent a lot of time and money to earn them.

    That’s why I feel the options above are pretty good middle ground solutions. Characters are still limited in nature, encouraging high participation in the limited-time challenges. But these limited windows are at least periodically repeated to allow multiple entry-points for new players.

    The trick is to bring in new players while also keeping existing players motivated to frantically spend money/gems to win the challenges.

    Francis Crawford

    I like #1.

    If Rovio wants to make challenges a big deal, they need to offer a lot of exclusive-to-challenges items. These basically can come in three categories:

    A. TFs.
    B. Accessories for the exclusive TFs.
    C. Accessories for other TFs.

    They’re currently following all three paths at once, and I think they would be wise to continue to do so.

    They could put old TFs into new challenges, along with new accessories for those TFs, and everybody should be pretty happy. Those who started to play earlier would have the best-accessorized versions of the exclusive TFs. Those who started later would still have access to all the TFs


    If you don’t mind my saying so, you illustrate very well the success of Rovio’s current format. You see these limited edition transformers as must have and on other threads, people report spending huge amounts of gems to achieve them. I am imagining that new players would move heaven and earth to get the new transformers. But giving people second (and third and fourth…) chances to get them if they miss out first time would just devalue the currency. No need to spend gems or participate in this contest because there will be another chance in a few weeks.

    Francis Crawford


    I was thinking more like annually, which is an eternity in many people’s gaming experiences.

    But you make good points even so.


    OK, I’ve noticed that a lot of people either do not read the entire post from the Rovio people who share things here and try to quietly leek a bit of info to us. Or maybe some just can’tread between the lines and those that can sit back and enjoy the commentary.
    Anyways… When most these topics come up & the Rovians speak on it, they only comment once. Yet for the new TFs, they have commented many times that they are exclusive for now! Sometimes with a smiley face… That goes for accessories as well.

    Let me simplify this even more for those who need it. Everything will be available again in some way or fashion. We will all have the opportunity to get these in the future. We’ll probably only know when a day or two before it happens as Rovio likes to keep surprises for us. Some suspect that one of the next tournament events may be exactly this type of a thing. So be patient, stock your gems upgrade your TFs and buy whatever accessories you need for what you have. There will always be something new to somebody coming up soon…at least until support & development for the game is over.


    Anyway,we’ll see……we’ll see what happens in the future and here it is where we will discuss about everything…


    Sorry about the tone in my previous post… I let another nester ruffle my feathers… My apologies to ALL!!!


    @tripolar, no worries mate !! i ve read worse things around here…. ( not from you ) !!


    Are competitions the only way to get new transformers?



    Depends on what you mean by “new”?

    * 25 available by spending pigs to unlock them from their prisons on the map;
    * 4 available through missions (Arcee, Airachnid, Prowl, and Bluestreak);
    * 2 available only by paying cash, and only for a limited time (Hallowe’en for Nemesis Prime and Thanksgiving for Hot Rod)
    * 3 available (so far) through limited duration special events (Epic Optimus Prime, Shockwave, and Windblade)


    Will the 5 limited time transformers be available again?


    Your guess is as good as mine. No one knows for sure except Rovio, and they’re not saying.

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