Jet Pack Event Changes

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum Jet Pack Event Changes

  • So, I’m guessing that pretty much no one was biting on their 100 gem continue flying button nonsense so now we only get to play every 24 hours for a two day event and they lowered the price to 60 gems to continue flying. Once again, a fun little event gets the Rovio makeover.

    I will be happy with my apples and whatever measly prize I receive, but I will not be spending gems on this. :|

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  • Nik

    It’s just another way for the pay to play cheats to get further than everyone else, I’m with you… a few apples and 350 feathers are fine for me.


    @sb311 anf @nik-handson, I couldn’t agree more! The pay to play plan on Rovio’s part is getting very very old! When you consider that the room replay and shuffle options are also dangled out there for the players who have the resources or just poor impulse control, it really must add up for ol’ Rovio! I wonder what the statistics are on their profit margins now that these game changes have been introduced…


    I finished 5th and “won” a chest. Opening the chest revealed one ME spell. Wow, how awesome is that?

    Glad I didn’t waste any gems….


    The hatchling usually got hit at a place densely filled with the bamboo crap, even if I spend gems to continue, I guess it will crash right away. I won’t waste a dime on it.

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum Jet Pack Event Changes

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