Item Enhancement

Home Forums Angry Birds Fight! Forum Item Enhancement

  • Still quite new to the game but enjoying adding items to the various birds, however, I have the following question:

    I have a “S” item already on one bird, then I get another “S” item and pay to enhance it to 3 stars only to find out it is not as strong as the one I already have, as such I have lost coins doing it, so, is there anyway of knowing the maximum strength of an item without paying to enhance it?


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  • EggStealer

    @thewolf There is no way do this currently, but it will sometime exist. I hope so too, as I wanna learn about the maximum power of items received from monster pigs.
    Out of pure curiosity, what were these S items?


    @eggstealer Cannot remember now to be honest as I removed it as soon as I noticed it was weaker than the one I already had, but like you, I would love to see some form of chart etc that showed maximum strength possible etc without having to spend coins in order to find out if they are better than what you already have


    @thewolf The weight stat (the scale) is useful in telling how powerful the item is. SS items usually have weights of 25-27, and S items range from around 15-23. However, it’s not completely accurate because it doesn’t account for the effects.

    Lately the monster items have had weights of 30,which is really high, but there is no effect so they are not the most powerful.


    @thewolf it is absolutely possible to know.

    Click the Enhance (but not the check mark to confirm) to see what the 1st star produces, let’s say it’s +12, the 3* will be double that at +24 & the 2* will be the in between, 18 in this case. So to 3* this example it would be 12+18+24 for 54. When I 1st stated I used the scale as a guide, but lately with the SS Pig Event items the scale isn’t useful. The Frog Ship Bow scale was only 32 but 3* is 2516 whereas the SS Shimmering Boat Bow from a Monster Event months ago had a scale of 34 but the 3* is only 2276. Both of these SS were enhanced as +48, +72 & +96, the same formula in my example. Hope this helps


    @justpast40 Yes, the scale is not accurate for ship items. But for birds, I haven’t seen any problems yet.


    @thewolf I can tell you some 3* ranks of my items:
    Dreaming Pillow 274 attack
    Night cap 200 defense
    Jellyfish Hat 211 defense
    Paper Fan 347 attack
    Seastar Badge 88 defense
    Masquerade 97 health
    That was Stella.
    Turban 4* 270 defense
    Rare Frog Hat 334
    Viking Helmet 193 (I think)
    Radio Cassette 103 attack
    Bonsai 127 health
    Thief Stick 380 attack
    And Bomb.
    I will post up other birds as soon as I can.

    Netto JM

    Yes, it’s possible to know, for bird itens. it’s appears to be always +50% based on the first enhance value, for example:

    +4, +6(4+2) and +8(6+2) = 18
    +8, +12(8+4) and +16(12+4) = 36
    +12, +18(12+6) and +24(18+6) = 54

    The higher the class, the greater the increase, accessories enhance less and weapons more, HP enhance less and attack more, defense is the middle ground, I still have to watch for fourth and fifth star.


    @netto-jm both the 4th & 5th stars increae by whatever the last amount (to get to 3* ) I have 4* ships on iPad & iPhone & the 4* was +96 just like going to 3*.


    @jdweagle1 this may not be the best example, but Bomb’s Bronze Trophy was/is an A item with a scale of 22 3* to 116, but the S Bonsai scale is lower at 20 & 3* is 127. I’ve never compared the scale of differently ranked items which is why I knwo this isn’t a great example. I wish I’d known this 3* calculation when I first started so hopefully this helps others.


    @justpast40 Yes, the 3-star calculation in very useful. As for the scale, I believe the arena trophies are exceptions, especially since your trophy is from a couple of months ago. And as you said, they are different items.

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