Is there any limit on discounts in Mighty Eagle's Dojo?

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Is there any limit on discounts in Mighty Eagle's Dojo?

  • Title says all. Is there any limit in discounts from Mighty Eagle’s Stamps?

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  • Angry Johnny

    Yes, 30 % discount is the max you can get. Even if you collect more stamps afterwards it will not change.


    I have collected 52 stamps and I only get 30% off max.


    How many stamps do you need to reach that 30%?


    @korath88 Each week gives you 2% discount, so you will need to beat 15 weeks to get 30% max discount.


    @gulgor0 Nope. The more stamps you get, the lower the discount percentage goes. I have 37 stamps and get a 29.25% discount, so each non-LC dojo purchase for me right now is 71.


    The discount stops at -30%. You could have 50, 100 stamps, and you will still pay 70.

    It’s nice but even 70 is still a lot of snouts.


    You will find a lot of info in the Angry Birds Epic Tips (Master Topic). I posted the following along with some other useful info a couple months ago in the Mastery section.

    Discount table
    Discount = 15% + the following
    +0.75% for every stamp up to 20
    +0.50% for stamps between 21-30
    +0.25% for stamps between 31-40

    It is capped at 30% or 70 snoutlings

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Is there any limit on discounts in Mighty Eagle's Dojo?

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