Is anyone have similiar problem with chuck shield's blueprints?

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Is anyone have similiar problem with chuck shield's blueprints?

  • I have some glitch in chuck’s shield blueprint, he always have 4 shield where two of it is never updated, meanwhile the other bird is always have 2 and will get replaced if better shield type appear. this two bugged blueprint of chuck ( a scroll and a skull orb that i will never craft because it is too weak ) is cluttering my anvil screen. does anyone have similiar problem? or its only in my save game?
    Here is the screenshot:

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  • abirds954

    I think I read somewhere in the forums someone else experienced this. I also notice it in my list of blueprints. This should probably be moved to the bug thread.


    My blueprints screen is similar to yours with Chuck having 4 and the rest having 2. I always thought I had acquired more blueprints and wondered what happened to them, but it didn’t matter to me since every item I use is either a pig or set item.


    Thanks for for the information, its not only happen in my save game then, but also everyone else. i think the bug is in scroll and skull blueprint, the game read those two item type differently than other chuck item so it remain in there although better item appeared.

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Is anyone have similiar problem with chuck shield's blueprints?

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