Insane Power Upgrade

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum Insane Power Upgrade

  • Hey everybody. Every since the latest update I’ve been getting a strange message when I begin a level. When my Transformer jumps out of the Astrotrain it glows and says “Weapon Upgraded” or something like that. So far it has happened to Energon Lockdown and Bumblebee. Today I played an Energon Lockdown level and now it said something like “Vehicle Upgraded”. Now Energon Lockdown can blow up a Mortar Tower in only 5 of his lasers and make a pig explode in only one laser. Same with Bumblebee! Also Energon Lockdown can be a car for almost the level before his energy runs out. All I want to know is whats causing this and how do I make it happen to the other Transformers. Anybody have any explanations for this insane upgrade?

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  • h82loze

    It was part of the update. Energon characters will occasionally get special scenes with upgraded systems. This is to allow you to get extra coins. But the downside is that they take extra damage. IIRC, this is stated the first time you use an Energon character after the update.


    I don’t recall ever seeing this. Is this for the Android version? I’m playing the iOS version.


    @h82loze Understood but how do you make it happen? That’s all I need to know.


    Also it happened to Bumblebee so it’s not just Energon Characters.


    @Optimus_Pig Yes, I’m on Android. So I can’t comment on the iOS version.

    @partshade I have seen it on the Ultimate characters too, at least with High Octane Bumblebee. They are special events, so they happen at random.


    @h82loze Actually I think I found out how it happens. A few days ago I upgraded Energon Lockdown and got the super upgrade next time I played his level. Yesterday I upgraded Bumblebee and played his level got his super upgrade. Today I upgraded Energon Optimus and got it for him! So I guess just upgrade them and play their level to get it.


    I think so. These upgrades are just most likely to be letting player test out the upgraded character power.


    Just upgraded Energon Galvatron today and played his level to get an “Energon Armour Upgrade”. This is great because I can beat one of his levels without a scratch!

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum Insane Power Upgrade

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