I’m done

Home Forums Angry Birds Friends Forum I’m done

  • I’ve been playing for many years, since the game was released. Out of all of my family and friends I’m the only person who still  plays one of the best games ever created. Sadly I’m done. I’ve had some major health issues caused by something I still can’t believe happened, and now I’m having even worse health problems which I wont list because there’s no positive outcome. My income dropped by about 90% but I had decided I would stock up on PUs since Angry Birds Friends was what I used to de-stress at night, playing for several hours at night while I tried to relax and not think about health, income, the state of the world, etc..  I logged in this morning because I woke up a few hours ago from pain. I found my PUs are almost gone. Yes, the game is blatantly rigged but I was still going to play it because it reminded me of better times, All of the money I spent in-game is wasted because AGAIN, for the 3rd time or maybe 4th, my PUs mysteriously disappeared. I had between 20 and 70 of each, now most are gone. I don’t know if my PUs were stolen for the 3rd or 4th time because I was leaving thumbs down for levels or because a certain greedy company may have initiated a policy of stealing PUs when players are foolish enough to buy them. Sadly I cant afford to get back up to where I was and it wouldn’t make sense to do so since I guess the concept of purchasing,  where one spends money to become an owner of an item has been re-defined to where one keeps the item for a short time then they’re taken back by the seller. That wouldn’t surprise me since as I said, this was one of the best games of all time, but now it’s been blatantly wrecked to the extent where even people like me who loved the game are finally saying it’s time to move on. I spent the money I couldnt really afford only because, despite the blatant rigging and nerfing and random changes in trajectory, I still could use the game to distract myself from the serious negatives occurring in my life. Now that option is no longer here and I can’t go through that again, even if I had the money.  NOTE: If anyone else is actually still buying PUs, you may want to consider taking a screenshot before ending for the day so when PUs disappear you have proof.

    Update: I went back in one more time to say goodbye and I noticed SOME of my PUs were back. I had a 2-win streak in the tournament so I figured I’d play that. As usual it was blatantly rigged. The fake opponent got 3 million in 2 birds and I was at a bit over 1 million. By the end of the game there was only about 150k points left on the board that I could get but I was still over a million behind. Nah, that’s not fake at all! Never again will I give Rovio money, or watch an ad, or play any of their greed-controlled games,

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  • Mr. Pollo

    I’m sorry to hear about your current health complications and what has happened to you in AB Friends. Very recently Rovio has been having major bugs/glitches with AB2 and AB Friends for some reason. I do appreciate how AB Friends is still being supported since it still reminds me of what the series used to be like and is one of the only original games that isn’t delisted from the app stores. I’m one of those people who watch the ads for extra spins and chests, so I haven’t had the need to give my money to any game publisher (unless i’m buying a paid version, which is rare nowadays).

    It’s a shame that the mobile game industry has come to this point. In the late 2000s it was about challenges and playing with friends, now it’s about who can spend the most money on upgrades, power-ups, and cosmetics. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem like the industry or Rovio is going to change for the better anytime soon…


    Hope you feel better soon! 🙏


    I’m still on Angry birds friends because I remembered it a long time ago. But I was not on it when it was launched. Why. I was playing other Angry Birds games. I feel you too. I hate what Rovio did now. I just stopped playing Angry Birds 2 because Rovio decided to profit off of it so I just stopped playing Angry Birds 2 for that very reason.

    Although I do see that Rovio decided to change the graphics of recent levels so I like that. I also like the challenge of tournament levels and I am a top pro player of that. So it was kind of challenging. What I do not like is Rovio forcing me to watch videos because of powerups.

    My suggestion is that if Rovio really wanted to get players to go back to their games yet again they need to stop forcing players to buy powerups or watch ads for them.

    They can add more birds to make it easier to play those tournaments which are harder. They can certainly do that. Maybe they should add 5 more birds so that the levels can be finished easier. What do you think? Again I understand your situation I’m sorry that you have to go through that. I have to go through that as well but they totally ruined Angry Birds 2 for me so I just stopped.

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