Illusionist – Chuck's 6th class

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Illusionist – Chuck's 6th class

  • Attack: Dancing Spark – Deals 80% (of Chuck’s base attack) damage to target foe, and inflicts Spark debuff. Whenever this foe takes damage, all other foes take 25% of that damage. Very similar to this skill from another game.

    Support: Mirror Image – Target ally gains a shadow clone that lasts 2 turns. When this ally attacks, the clone also attacks for 50% power. Very similar to this skill from another game.

    * I saw that a lot of people do not like Sonic in the current event. Sonic has the same skills as Illusionist, but not Chuck’s rage attack.
    * Illusionist is a niche class like Marksmen and requires a specific team composition to function properly.
    * Like Marksmen, the damage contribution comes from Chuck’s allies, not Chuck himself. Thus this class works very well with Vitality offhands like the Reborn and Twin Lightning sets. If Chuck is the last ally standing, Illusionist is Chuck’s lowest damage output class.
    * Illusionist works very well against big bosses with weak summons or other small-fry foes since you will want to focus on the foe that receives the Spark debuff. Bosses in Chronicle Caves are great because they usually summon foes, and need high single-target damage to take out. Also works well in Arena if you focus on the banner.
    * Consider this team: Samurai, Illusionist, Marksmen. Mirror Red, apply Marksmen’s debuff on the boss, Spark the boss, then watch as Red fills your screen with red numbers. In this case, the Time Leap set works to give Chuck a chance to act again, since Mirror Image only lasts 2 turns.

    Some extra math! Samurai versus Stone Guard:
    Assuming all level 50 and rank 12 classes, Red w/ Dragon Breath, Marksmen w/ Beep Attack, and Illusionist w/ any set…
    Samurai vs Stone Guard
    1335 | 1602 : base attack
    1146 | 0764 : damage from Barbs
    2481 | 2366 : total damage of the above

    0667 | 0801 : damage of Mirror Image
    1146 | 0764 : damage from Barbs
    4294 | 3931 : total damage w/ Marksmen’s debuff and Illusionist’s buff

    Illusionist paired with Samurai and Marksmen means that when Samurai attacks a foe, he will deal 4294 damage to that foe, and all other foes will take 1074 damage. Numbers will vary between each player when you consider things like Blues using Save Me, banner boosts, using Cannoneer instead of Samurai, etc.

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  • burbman

    Spark works really well with multi-attack allies, especially when you can apply the effect to more than one enemy at a time.


    @burbman Illusionist paired with Skulkers would make for an interesting pair. I assume damage caused by Spark does not trigger Spark on other foes; otherwise, the domino of damage would never end. Sounds like Dragon Breath Samurai or Scissors Berserker would have a field day with this combo.

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    I think that endless damage loop might be what is currently freezing the game up with Sonic.


    @burbman Just tried it. Things went kaboom. I don’t even know what the sources are for each hit.


    I tried it too, and got locked up with the Rage Chili to Bomb.

    Skulkers buff Sonic,
    rage to Bomb (I used Sea Dog)
    All enemies down, game frozen :-(


    Forgot to apply mirror to bomb first, sold myself short!


    @burbman I have mentioned this elsewhere rage chilli with bomb causes freezes in Arena also. This is a consistent problem unless it’s the first move. Please report to Rovio. I have sent at least a dozen screen shots. They have said the problem is solved with the last update and now with the event update. It’s clearly not. They have reimbursed me. They know it’s a bug but it helps if more people report. Thanks.


    @burbman Mirror Image only applies to attacks. It does not affect rage attacks or support attacks, like Berserker’s sacrifice skill.

    I still think it’s very funny to use Marksmen, Illusionist, and Dragon Breath Samurai to fill your screen with numbers. It’s not the most effective use of Illusionist, but it sure is satisfying.


    Ohey first post.

    Out of curiosity, are there any plans to make the class available to purchase at some point or make the drops more common? The Red Rope levels are open and here I am, still trying to farm Gold Rings :V


    @thomasthepencil There has been no confirmation, but we assume it will be available for purchase (Lucky Coins) after the event is over.


    Was the stone guard for sale after the event?
    How expensive was it?

    Angry Johnny

    @henjovr It was. No idea how much it cost since I got it for free.


    @henjovr, Stone Guard cost 275 coin.


    Fixed: Dancing Spark actually deals 80% damage, not the original 38.1% listed.

    Illusionist can be a very threatening class in Arena. Paired with Samurai and Marksmen, you can probably win in the first two turns if you win the coin toss.

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    You will probably want to give Chuck the Rebirth set because you want him to survive a turn to give Red a Mirror Image. Blues should probably get the Save Me set so they can apply barbs. Chuck & Blues attack the banner, give rage chili to Red, then on next turn, give Red a Mirror, then start attacking the banner. Enemy birds should KO before the banner.


    Just got my first game freeze playing with Illusionist. Running SRC on autoplay to rank-up Illusionist. Froze on first wave when bomb, who was buffed by Illusionist, attacked the Pyro-pig. Not sure of details, because I was on autoplay.


    Make that 2 freezes in a row. Illusionist buffed Sea Dog on first turn; hit Pyropig on second turn, and then Sea Dog used rage chili — Freeze. Except rage chili still there? No mastery earned, even though some pigs killed. Not sure if they gave any mastery.
    Did not freeze when Illusionist attacked another pig on second turn and Sea Dog used chili.


    I decided to try playing SRC with Illusionist to see how it went. Earned ~50 mastery per battle, but I’m not going to do this very often. Game froze on last wave once because I underestimated how much damage would be done (killed the wizard on my first turn) and Sea Dog was left with a turn (he was buffed by Illusionist). Trying some more on autoplay.


    In the forum, I have just faced 2 Mastery 12 Illusionists with the full Mana Shell set. The hell?


    Any estimates on how much damage he’ll do when he’s been brought up to Level 10 or 12? Assuming a Level 50 party and a weapon/offhand set? (Y’all know what I mean, I don’t remember the proper terminology or math :P )


    @seggy Lots! :) One of my FB friends has a Lvl 12 Illusionist with full set items already and I borrowed it for a spin in one of the latest Chronicle Caves (Cave 17). It was great. I completely thrashed the pigs, but I wasn’t really paying attention to the damage. If it’s available again today I’ll try to keep an eye on the damage etc…


    I assume those who can’t get the Illusionist Class during this event can grind or buy 275 lucky coins to get this class from the shop.

    Is there compensation for players who collected part of the materials to get this class for free?

    Angry Johnny

    @woo224 More than likely not. It is all or nothing when it comes to collecting the parts.


    I thought so. Maybe I’ll get Rovio support to give me a couple of lucky coins…


    Just used @cosmo2503’s Level 50 rank 12 Illusionist in the Sunken Pyramid. Thanks Cosmo! Forgot to check stats. Used with my Level 50 rank 10 Bard and Sea Dog. Not sure this is the best combo, since I used several healing potions. My normal team for dungeons is Paladin, Bard, and Sea Dog, and I only use potions if there is a Shogun (or whatever he is).

    — Can you answer the question about Illusionist’s strength, and also give us a few tips about using him? The biggest difference I find in playing with Illusionist rather than Sonic is that when you play with Sonic, you attack strongest opponent with Sonic and then feed chili to Chuck. Can’t do that with Illusionist.


    @seggy By himself, Illusionist does terrible damage. However, using the setup I listed in the top post, I can win an Arena battle in 2 turns.

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Illusionist – Chuck's 6th class

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