Hyper Angry mode offers glitchy

Home Forums Angry Birds Fight! Forum Hyper Angry mode offers glitchy

  • I sometimes get Hyper Angry offers after a battle, but the following happens when I try to watch the video for the bonus:

    – Network Error message after video ends (the Hyper Angry mode is sometimes lost after exiting area menu or exiting game), Hyper Angry mode sometimes retained
    – Game restarts after video, no Hyper Angry mode
    – Game crashes without video, no Hyper Angry mode
    – Game freezes without video, reboot required, no Hyper Angry mode
    – Video playback glitched (e.g. no way to continue gameplay after video ends)

    Some other videos (usually forced videos after battles) also have problems or freezes.

    Does anyone else ever have these issues?

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  • Replies
  • EggStealer

    I have never experienced that. I sometimes get Network Error, get hyper angry mode but when I go to battle, my bird is smiling. However, I can notice a 10-20% stat boost. I also sometimes get hyperangry, exit game, come back and no trouble. But when once I closed my device and soon got back to fight, my hyperangry was lost.

    BTW, I can tell you a trick to avoid after-battle ads.
    Ad begins. Go to all open apps (right button at the bottom of the screen) and then come back to the game. I t only works with ads similar to game of war, however.

    Sorry if too long.


    Lol, just when I was reading this post, I experienced one of the problems with Hyper Angry mode offer. I accepted it, video loaded correctly, I got my boost, but for some reason when I started fighting any enemy, none of the tiles loaded up resulting in obvious defeat because I couldn’t see anything. Oh, and the game also crashed when it was the time for Bonus Time.

Home Forums Angry Birds Fight! Forum Hyper Angry mode offers glitchy

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