How is scoring calculated on Clan events?

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum How is scoring calculated on Clan events?

  • I understand CvC, but I’m confused as to how the rankings are determined for the other Clan games. Is it total score? Fewest birds? I’m not sure why high-FP birds are near the bottom and low-FP birds are near the top.

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  • SB311


    I don’t understand it either. I have one of the highest fps in my clan and I always get shoved down to the bottom when everyone has 3 points.

    And when someone is the first to score 3 points and I play for my three points right after them, I am always placed UNDER them. But when I am the first to score 3 points, the next person to do it always gets placed ABOVE me. I don’t get it. :/

    The order is predetermined and unchangeable, apparently based on your player ID number.


    I would really like to solve this mystery too. I’m wondering if the players who purchase gem letters or anything from the Shop and/or Clan Chests may get dibs on higher ranks. ?? Anyone else observe this in their Clan events?

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum How is scoring calculated on Clan events?

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