How Do Binoculars Work?

Home Forums Angry Birds Fight! Forum How Do Binoculars Work?

  • How do they work? I fought off a monster papa, and I clicked on “keep fighting”, then I found another monster, but I don’t remember buying any binocular….. where did I get these “free” binoculars from?

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  • Anonymous

    Well I know the golden ones can instantly spot one by using it on the monster pig screen. Red… I have no clue.

    It appears that the game looked at your stats and rewarded you with a certain number of Binoculars? I started out with 9 gold and 8 red. No idea why I got that particular amount though.


    Really i need to know that too.
    Where To Get-find Binocular?


    That’s fascinating, @partshade. Before the Stella & Matilda Arena Cups (or during the Stella one), I remember getting one binocular (does it look red?) and one golden binocular. I guess it’s because I only have played for a month or so?

    * CalvinTy


    @calvinty Must be. I joined back when the Scorpion Pig event was going on so I’ve definitely been around for a while. Could explain why I got so many.


    I’ve been playing since last Summer, and have a decent over-all ranking, but I only had 1 pair of golden binoculars to start.


    @tomt, are you sure that to keep fighting you weren’t charged a Gem? Unlike others who have apparently been given close to 20 Binoculars from Rovio, I was awarded NONE, other than 1 after Matilda Arena (I only played for the 5 Gems, not for Matilda Event prize, so I don’t know if those with top ranks were awarded more Binoculars.) I’d not collected the Binoculars from the Gift Box & I accidentally hit the “find monster” & it cost me 1 Gem.

    @partshade & @gemmoon4, I’ve been playing since the Worldwide Release last June & reading that some players have recieved close to 20 Binoculars is extremely disturbing as I received none other than the 1 titled “Thank You for your Support” in my Gift Box along with the Matilda Event Prize.

    I’m going to open a Ticket with Rovio to see if I can get an answer, but as we all know, to say they’re less than useful is an understatement!


    My birds are Levels 25-30 with some SS items on all birds (others with S items), so even if I’m new, yeah, I agree I don’t think it’s because of how long you have been playing, @gemmoon4.

    I did the 4 slot (20 gems) earlier today, and did get 4 additional golden binoculars (edit: to clarify, after getting the SS and S items), in case anyone is wondering.

    * CalvinTy


    I just realized something. There is hack for unlimited coins, for unlimited energies, and for unlimited arena tickets.

    Now Rovio put in binoculars, I’m pretty sure that, soon people will have unlimited binoculars.


    it is not about play time.
    i am playing this game like 1 year and still i just get 1 golden 1 normal binscours.

    i win so many event top100-500-1000

    i win many arena top500.
    Finished all lab lvls with 3 star and all chest opened.
    Finished every islands and missions.

    So binacours not about play time i am sure.


    Golden Binoculars are for Monster Family Events, normal ones are for regular monster events.


    I got one golden binocular to start the event. You get a bonus of 4 golden binoculars each time you do the 20 gem slot, so five items in total instead of the normal four. Similar to the bonus of 5 tickets during the arena events.


    I still don’t get how I use the golden binoculars. I have one in my bag but in the event screens it prompts me to use gems to find new monsters!?


    You need to click on them

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