Friends requests

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  • Hy, I am lvl 74. I need friends in game.  For “Facebook Friendly”   you can search  Mircea Leu  on FB – i have an black and white picture, with me and my family.


    Level 39 looking for Friends essense + unlock gates + fight dungenons


    Added some friends requests because can’t get how to PM. My facebook name would be Robert Kramarov


    hi, Im currently 46, progressing nicely, playing daily (was away for 3years, now back on track.. 😃) my FB profile is druid2k, and I’d like some friends 😃


    hey hey…Im still looking for active players as facebook friendly friends. Just write me a PM via Facebook


    Looking for daily active players, feel free to add me on Facebook.

    [email protected]

    I’ve a level 90 daily player.


    Level 50+ looking for more friends to play

    GC – Hashtag_Swaggy

    fb – Ha Ry (pout face with sunglasses, can’t miss it xd)

    Facebook Friendly ;)


    Hi,still lvl 30,would like some friends to help me out a bit.My in game name is cantaloupe,pls add me,thx



    im also looking for friends in angry birds epic my level is 59 im in cave 12. Here is my fb profile:


    I have lvl 100 and birds around 1000 power. Playing daily
    Photo and name like facebook gl:)


    If you want, add “MaxxMatt” on FB. I’m active and play this game regularly. I have a red avatar on FB among the ones the system will show you while searching.

    Have a nice day,


    Piggy McCool

    Facebook friendly – username in-game is Piggy-McCool


    Looking for Facebook friends on here.   Daily player.   Gives friendship essences.   FB name is Marquel Letory McGhee.  Obviously Facebook Friendly.


    Facebook Name: Wesley Cheng/with Battle Bay pfp. Obviously Facebook Friendly, I have beaten every single level in the game so far.

    P.S. Hopefully there won’t be a Cave 27 XD Alphapig and Snor the Pirate seemed hard enough!


    My Problem is i added a friend on facebook,after the notification said (SomeOne) invited me on Angry Birds Epic i click on notification and said “This game is not available for your phone” how i fix the angry birds add friend issues.I reconnected the app from facebook :( what device works? so i try all forces to add a friend on AB Epic.

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Friends requests

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