So far Photoblast is my top choice and it’s not really close. For those who don’t know, it’s basically a rapid stream of Energon Galvatron shots. Even with just one energon cube, it fires for a few seconds, and will generally destroy everything on the screen, including mortar towers (they only take two or three shots to destroy).
Glassor is my second favorite. Rapid fire Sentinel Prime shots. Destroys everything on screen pretty easily, except mortar towers and flying or parachuting pigs.
Stormblast is pretty solid too, and is only a two star energonicon, so doesn’t require as high grade materials to create. Similar to Photoblast, but not as strong. Mimics Grimlock’s weapon.
Some of the other high rarity energonicons are pretty weak! I’ve found Lavatron, Piggyblast, and Rapidfire, in particular, to just be inferior options compared to the three I listed above. At least Lavatron and Piggyblast are entertaining though.
Some of the “utility” energonicons are interesting, but I don’t see myself using them all that often. Shieldor, Goldslam, Healthpack and Ghostbot are the ones I’m thinking of here. Ghostbot in particular is disappointing: You can’t do anything while invisible, or it turns it off! You can’t even transform! What’s the point?
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