Daily Challenge – current difficulty

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  • Twisted Lemon

    Today’s DC took me 6 attempts, I used up all my lives trying and couldn’t get through round 3 without using 3 birds/room. Eventually had a good run with some luck and got into this boss with Bubbles, which is just what you need to 1-shot him:

    KPP was easy, as you can (just like every KPP these days) get into the first 2 bosses with lots of birds. Save Silver for the 3rd as you can use her to boot him out the room if you get him positioned right. I did spend gems on the 3rd boss to finish him off and secure a free chest.


    I keep getting these low round DC, but even then I’m still lucky to get to the boss, much less beat him.

    Yesterday was 2-3-4, and it took me about 10 attempts because the rooms before the boss were all bird suckers.

    Today is 3-3-4, and the same problem. The first room in round 3 takes 4-5 birds to clear because Bomb is needed and he doesn’t appear unless you use all of your birds. He always shows up last. Room 2 takes another 3-4 birds, mostly because of a dang miner pig sitting right in your face and a pig on a balloon which takes a bird by itself. Room 1 also has a balloon sitting pig in an out of the way place.

    Twisted Lemon

    My guess is that since you went almost 2 weeks without playing due to technical issues, the DC difficulty/room amounts dropped way down. I’ve heard that this happens if you don’t complete DCs for a while and you’ll eventually start getting easier ones.

    Give it a short amount of time before you “catch up” to where you were prior to stopping, the good old 4-5-6 slogs. At least with the shorter DCs you have now, you can maybe work on filling the streak meter and get some extra loot before the DC gets back to how you had it.


    Yeah, I don’t expect to get shorter DCs for very long.

    I’d be nice if I could do a full DC streak and get the chest, but I doubt I will get that lucky. I finally did beat the DC after 6 or so attempts. It only needed Bomb and Matilda. The KPP took a few tries because the final boss kept getting tossed behind the slingshot, but not rolling off. Finally managed to get him off the screen. It wasn’t the same one you had. I had used Bubbles assuming it would be, but it wasn’t and Bubbles wasn’t useful. Switched back to Stella and made it to the boss on another attempt and finally got rid of him.


    Back to 4-5-6 DCs again. Took a few tries to get to the end with any birds…

    Working through the KPP now, but had this happen…

    Twisted Lemon

    Round 3 starts with this familiar room and you know where it’s going once you see it:

    After 7 attempts (used all my lives + 2 videos for extras) I finally made it to the boss room for the 2nd time with just Red:

    Threw red into the fans below which sent him into the tractor beam pig, who pulled him in and toppled the structure, setting off all the TNTs. The wooden balls were launched into the boss sending him in a loop around the room and down the hole (here’s a quickly-made visual representation):

    I’ve never done it this way but it’s possible if everything goes right. I was determined to beat this DC without gems as this room can normally be beaten with just 2 birds. Super easy KPP.


    Twisted Lemon

    Some awful bad luck there with that boss getting stuck like that. No point trying to free him up, just restart. The first 2 bosses you can get in with at 5 birds minimum as the rooms before are simple.

    The 3rd boss is also pretty easy, mainly because it’s also the altered, more easy version of the same boss room, where the exit ledge is more open and has less junk on it:

    Here’s the harder version that I had about 2 weeks ago. Note the exit ledge is a bit tighter and has a large rock on it that will often block the boss from falling off:


    Twisted Lemon

    Today’s 4-5-6 ended with this dreaded boss room:

    Normally I’d quit this one immediately, though I figured I’d try beating it using the Bubbles method:

    Make sure to save Bubbles and Red (preferably) for the boss room. Use Red to push the 1st structure over into the 2nd structure which destroys both of them and allows access to the lower flower. Throw Bubbles into the flower, let him travel up and get launched under the boss, and then activate him just as the boss’s structure starts falling over which will fling the boss out the right side.

    I managed to pull it off and a few attempts as I needed to finish the 5th room with both birds available. Definitely works as long as you’re willing to keep trying to tick all the boxes for it to work. KPP is super easy.

    Ben W

    @oliverfrancis – tried your solution 3 times this afternoon. The last was the closest but the green swine dropped agonisingly into the top flower and got chucked down to the bottom yet again :(



    Ben, the solution does work. When Bubbles destroys the ice holding up the boss pig, his platform will tip to the right. When he’s at roughly 45 degrees, activate Bubbles and it should send the boss up and off to the right.

    Ben W

    @aggieguy – thanks – I’ll try that again next time I see that level

    Twisted Lemon

    Today’s DC is a typical slog. I made it to the boss room once with 1 bird after about 5 attempts and it’s this boring one (my screenshot from page 50):

    You need at least 4+ birds for this one…but round 3 is way to hard and requires you to use 2 birds/room at most. Use 3+ birds on 2 or more rooms and you’ve got no chance with the boss. Plus there’s a magician pig on one room that can’t be killed straight away meaning you will more than likely need to waste a bird on him once you get him to move. Another lazy, unfair DC.

    Twisted Lemon

    So after another bunch of attempts, I ended up finally getting in with 3 birds after a decent-ish run. I managed to get the boss close to the edge of the middle platform, and then said f–k it and bought more birds and pushed him down the hole.

    If I hadn’t picked up a free chest I would’ve have spent gems on this one, but I was close and couldn’t be bothered trying anymore. Also…how sad is it that a DC can only be beaten with a perfect no-mistakes run to get in with maybe 3-4 birds, and then also having to, more than likely, spend gems on top?

    All that for an easy KPP with another free rare chest.

    Twisted Lemon

    Same DC as the one from 2 weeks ago which I posted about on page 51. Got into the boss with zero birds as round 3 drains them all, and it’s this blocked-exit one (screenshot is my own from said post):

    Same scenario as before, round 3 has one room that has a magician pig sat on a balloon right at the back and you can’t reach him straight away because there’s structures and crap in the way. I ended up using 4 birds on that room which ruins the run. Not wasting any more time with this one.


    Yeah that boss stage is the most b.s. one I’ve ever encountered.  Even if you do manage to sling off the black hole and get him off his perch with a Silver or Chuck, he just ends up flopping around under the middle platform with crazy high health and fans, the black hole, and the construction pig working against your aim.  The most irrational raging player wouldn’t dump the cash needed to win this nonsense.

    Ben W

    Same here – I got into the boss level with plenty of birds but no ability to do anything when the boss nestled right at the bottom left and had loads of health


    Same boss room for me, even though I’m not back to 4-5-6 just yet. Up to 4-4-5 now.

    Made it with three birds, but never managed to knock the boss off his perch. Those stupid balloons ruined all three shots, especially because I did not have Bomb to clear them all.

    But since I’ve only beat that room once on random dumb luck (the black hole flung the pig off to the left thanks to the fans being nice and sending him that way) I didn’t bother trying again. Was lucky to get there at all because several other attempts failed because as said above, the preceding rooms were bird suckers.

    Twisted Lemon

    Managed to beat today’s DC on the first attempt (reused my own screenshot from page 45, you know the room anyway):

    Super easy KPP that I only had to retry once, free rare chest on top .


    I had a different boss room, just a different one we’ve all seen before. Similar to Lemon’s (ice/blowers), but all those do is launch the pig into a spot and then you pound him with debris and birds.

    The KPP was easier than the DC and got through it with little effort.

    Twisted Lemon

    Slightly more tolerable DC today, not that it means much. I forgot to take a screenshot so here’s one that I borrowed from a FB group:

    Took me a few tries to get through round 3 and not use all my birds on rooms 3 and 4, and eventually I got in with 3 birds which was enough to beat the boss; juts as long as you push him through the orange portal and then unleash the rocks he should take massive damage and either die outright or need an additional birds to finish him off. This is one of those rooms which I will never spend gems on since it’s easy to beat once you get in with enough birds.

    I gave up on the KPP as the 2nd boss is this blocked exit monstrosity which is annoying and nearly impossible even with a ton of birds:

    Twisted Lemon

    Tough round 3 with this boss room (and a re-used screenshot of mine):

    After a bunch of attempts I eventually got in with Stella and Silver. Used Silver to slam the boss directly and push him into the fan, which blew him off his ledge, into the floating structure and then he fell down onto the roof (breaking it) and ended up right on the end of the ramp by the hole. I threw Stella straight across and despite hitting the first balloon her ability activated just as she reached the boss, which floated him over the exit and he fell down.

    KPP starts off super hard as the first boss is the blocked exit version of this slide room:

    Since the exit is blocked off you’re forced to get in with as many birds as you can and pummel the boss to death; if he ends up on the lower slide he goes straight into the bottom right corner (where the exit should be) and is unreachable due to the lower slide being too slow. After a load of restarts I eventually beat him to death with 8 birds and could finish the other 2 way easier bosses.


    Same DC boss as Lemon’s, got through it on the first try. Usually you can beat that room with 2 birds, if everything works correctly. Thankfully I’m not back to 4-5-6 or I wouldn’t have been that lucky given how many birds each room was taking to clear.

    Same KPP as well. Tired it a few times, never got the pig to less than half health so called it a day. Even tried to float him away with Stella, but there must be something beyond the slime channel to prevent that trick because I got a perfect launch (TNT detonated and shot the pig up and to the right while he was in a bubble) but after what seemed like forever, he came falling back down and into the slime.


    I’m getting the same DC and KPP as you guys. Couldn’t beat that first level of the KPP – even with 7 birds. Those blocked exit levels are ridiculous. Tried 4 times then quit.

    I thought this was funny. Yesterday’s DC, boss level. Explosions started before I could even see the level.  The screenshot shows the boss is almost done before I even threw a bird.

    Twisted Lemon

    A somewhat obnoxious round 3 of today’s DC; most of the rooms can be beaten with 2 birds if everything goes right in terms of debris and structures breaking correctly and falling the right way. There’s a magician pig on room 3 sat right at the back, luckily you can just about reach him so it’s ideal to target him with your first shot and get him to move so you don’t waste additional birds on him.

    After using all my lives and watching an ad video for an extra life, I eventually had a good run on round 3 and entered this boss room with 4 birds:

    I threw bomb right into the center and detonated him just after the first structure, which blasted away the majority of the crap, while also destroying the bottom 2 balloons (which you need to get rid of or they’ll just stop the boss mid-flight when he gets shot out the flower). Then it’s just a case of pushing the boss into the flower which launches him to the bottom slope and then you sit back and wait for him slowly die:

    This boss can probably be beaten with 3 birds and possibly even with 2. Just as long as you can get him into the flower in 1-2 shots and have at least one bird in reserve so that you can wait for him to die. Easy KPP afterwards which is always nice.

    Twisted Lemon

    Another typical idiotic DC today, I can’t get through round 3 without either running out of birds by the last room or scraping by with just 1-2 birds left. Of course you need a decent amount of birds for this boss:

    Not going to waste any more time on this one; when you’ve had about 7 retries with the same results, you know it’s time to give up.

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