Create Rovio account

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Create Rovio account

  • My friend is on iOS, he’s level 15 and never created a Rovio Account.
    If he does now and login, will he lose all his progress?
    Is there a way to back up your progress?

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  • Replies
  • Angry Johnny

    No he will not. When he creates a Rovio account and login it will make a save for him from his current game if a save doesn’t already exist.

    • This is not working
    • I can’t register an account that’s my problem

    This is not working


    Last week on the Epic Facebook page, they said that with the latest patch 2.9.1 you couldn’t create a new Rovio account.  This is tough for new players, but I think that it also means the end of Epic.


    I read that the only game which is financially interesting for Rovio is AB2. Revenues for others games seem not very positive (Battle Bay, AB Evolution… Epic is never mentionned) and the cost seems too expensive for the acquisition of new users for what I have understood.

    There are several topics on the Internet about the situation of Rovio in the stock exchange market even if the stock exchange is too much complicated for me :-)


    How i create acc??


    We can create accounts anymore :(

    angered about epic


    I used to love this game, until today. today I realised its f*cking bullshit that is pay to win. I saved up 500+ gold over a long time and used it today and got shit.

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Create Rovio account

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