Clans with hats off before battle, then put them on when it starts

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum Clans with hats off before battle, then put them on when it starts

  • We’re currently playing our 2nd straight opponent in CvC where they had their hats off when the battle started, but then they put them on when they play which raises their flock power significantly.  I realize that this is an old trick and not my thing, but is this the new norm?

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  • Replies
  • No, people have been doing it for ages, but it has no effect on the match-up. Rovio knows what hats your actually have. Some people still think it works, so they keep doing it.



    How do you know whether hat changes affect the match-up or not? Thx.

    filth pig

    Sure it works, but i’m not going to tell you that since my clan wins all doing so.

    i like it a lot, its an extra strategic part of the game. And it takes time, timing, will and so on to take of the hats.

    lazy birds or clans wont take the effort and deserve the löss when facing an active clan.

    @alper, I know because my clan used to do it. We gathered extensive data and proved that it has no effect, and then Rovio confirmed it. So we stopped doing it a long time ago. We continue to routinely beat clans that still do it.

    @sanderhuizer, if your clan wins all the time, congratulations! But it’s not because of the hats.


    @zombierat,  Do you remember when you got Rovio’s confirmation? Would you still have a copy to post here? Thx!

    The original confirmation would have been in 2018, around June or July, and no I don’t still have that. But I do have this one from this last September. I wasn’t actually asking them about that at the time, but it’s typical of Rovio to miss the point. 😆


    filth pig

    Then how come we with hats on end a League higher than with hats of? (The main reason for our hat switch).

    i don’t believe -and see it happen two times a week- what they wrote to you

    The clan power you see in your clan info screen will vary depending on hats and active extra birds, and if you’re near the border of two different leagues then changing your hats can shift you from one to the other. This used to happen in my clan too. But if you pay attention you’ll notice at the start of battle that the rewards you’re playing for will always be for the higher league. Because that’s the one you’re really in, regardless of the apparent clan power showing, or the apparent league based on that number. That clan power you see is not what Rovio uses in their matchmaking system. It doesn’t mean much of anything in fact.

    If you actually analyzed your real clan power and compared it to that of your opponents (which you can only get accurately by examining their profiles one by one and doing the math) you would discover that yours and theirs are almost always within a couple of thousand plus or minus, usually even closer. And that they are as likely to be above you as below you, regardless of what you do with your hats.

    But carry on believing in it if it makes you feel better. You won’t be the only ones.



    Thx for the detailed explanation @zombierat!

    This page from AB2 support describes what happens when two clans with different ranks are matched the same way you do. Thx also for highlighting the difference between the nominal and real clan FPs.

    @sanderhuizer, can you pls confirm that your clan, when your clan’s hats are initially off and its nominal FP (without hats) is close to but below the limit, usually gets matched to a higher-ranked clan? In such a case, if your clan wins, do your clan gets awarded the higher-rank winnings? Thx.

    filth pig

    Again: If we keep hats we go into higher rank with somewhat higher rewards, but there we lose a lot. For a lousy 500 feathers we don’t wanna risk losing.
    If we take our hats of and change to the green snotnose bird we drop around 90 bp the player. When it’s special hat week a lot more.

    we always end up in the league we wanna be (but once since our opponent did the same as us so they drew us back into their higher league). We always play clans a couple of points higher or lower from the situation: hats of!

    So it works wonders, and why shouldn’t it? Changing hats is a big part of the game they created. So no reason not to do this.

    As to the person above believing the rovio letter: they also claim arena match ups are fair, state that it’s normal your opponent has 3 bombs in its first hand. That they like us to have fun with all the special birds and so on…

    -yeah right-

    You will find out how great the Algi works when you take your hats of for a day entering this new tournament. I haven’t yet but faced some opponents who did.

    There is some evidence that hats off might work for the Rowdy Rumble, actually. Which would be a huge and predictable oversight on Rovio’s part. OTOH it might just be their cruddy algorithm 🤣

    Insufficient data to say atm.

    And you’re correct that we can’t always believe what they say. Good thing I have over 2 years of battle data from 2 top 30 clans. 😉

    filth pig

    Hi death of the endless.. My guess your last sentence says all? How many of s are in top 30 clans? And how many points would you have to drop as a top 30 clan to help you get an easier opponent – or better: drop a league?-

    Please believe me: changing hats does help big time.. especially when your bouncing up and down leagues. Now I’m not writing this selfishly since it be better for our clan nobody knows. I write this so we the birds learn the Algy so we have -at least- more fun than the lying bullies R. Hires!

    shouts and cheers

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum Clans with hats off before battle, then put them on when it starts

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