Arena/Game issue (common?)

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Arena/Game issue (common?)

  • Hello all. This is my first official post to the forums. Though I frequently read posts. Been playing AB for years. Just started Epic about a week ago. I’m having an issue. My phone is crap. Couple years old. Still running gingerbread. I deal with frequent crashes. In fact I can’t even advance pass the tower in the middle of limestone lagoon. Ill get all the way to the end the game freezes and crashes and I lose progress. Its depressing but I love the game. My main issue is the Arena. I win matches and spin the wheel for my prize. It shows me what I won but when I hit the play button to continue it goes to loading screen and crashes. I log back in and it has taken one of my arena flags. Anyone else have this issue? I am using a P.O.S. LG L38C straight talk phone. Don’t judge me, I’m poor. Thanks!

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  • Replies
  • Red7827

    Pretty much same was happening to me, so I uninstalled the game. I’d recommend playing the game on Bluestacks Android emulator. For me, the game plays much more stable and never crashed.


    @enderi — Hope you can play Epic on your phone, but the game is resource greedy. I don’t know the phone you’re using, but you need to make all memory, etc. available to Epic. I play on an old iPad, and I regularly make sure that all apps running in the background are closed, and frequently resort to a hard power down and restart. Hope you can figure this out. Good Luck!


    I stopped every program running on my phone and did a hard reset. I started the game up and it has worked great. I can complete nodes/levels. It. still force closes when I complete a level and try to go back to world map though. However, I can progress. I haven’t tried the arena yet. I lost all my flags even though I won all my fights. I have been considering bluestacks. Thank you both for your replies. Helped me a lot.


    @enderi AB Epic is 100% hog… no pun intended! I’m on an ancient iPad 2 running iOS 8.3 and I’ve had similar performance related issues. The above advice is sound. I always play the game following a hard reboot and cache dump + memory purge – with absolutely nothing running in the background/utilizing resources. I’ve found that this clears 95% of the aforementioned issues. Good luck!


    @enderi Tip with the ads: if you make an IAP, the ads in the game might disappear, meaning less data usage and reduced chance of crashing. I’m not pressuring you to make IAPs, just saying that some players have noticed that after making an IAP of any amount – even a very small amount – that no forced ads will appear after a while. But it’s up to you if you want to purchase or not.


    I made the smallest in-app purchase of 99¢ and after about 12 hours later, I haven’t had any forced ads since. That’s been a few months ad free so far.


    I would play on bluestacks but sadly my laptop needs a new harddrive. So for now all I have is this old phone.


    I finished my daily objective and had my third loss right before the clock ran out today. The clock and objectives reset but I still show three losses and cannot compete. Is there a fix?


    There’s no fix that I’m aware of. You’ll just have to wait until the next reset.


    I playing on Samsung Tab P3100 sometime will crash before or after battle,
    it will crash after ads, or after spinning wheel, it stuck on loading screen,
    I was hate I crash after ads, it will cost me stamina when event (I didn’t play Arena),
    but if crash after spinning, all my reward still intact,
    even it crash on daily golden pig, after restart game,
    first screen it reward me LC, before I can do other thing.

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Arena/Game issue (common?)

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