Another op set

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  • Just got new calender and saw bombs new set’s on hand item. Name is bomb bell, offhand looks cool too. But what interests me is it’s set ability. All birds will do 100% more damage to banner with health less than 50%. Wow!!! So, basically get opponent’s banner below 50% health and they are at your mercy and vice versa. After valient this is the goto set. Problem is that it increases all birds damage, so chuck with mage will become deadly when the banner is low on health and can heavily damage any bird if it directy attacks the banner.
    Now,I know there are lots of banners with huge health and they are tough to take down. Maybe this was in mind. But this will affect low level banners too. Again Rovio , sees the problem, can’t solve it correctly, in this case made it slightly worse. But now I gotta get it. It looks and is totally op.

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  • werehamsta

    >All birds will do 100% more damage to banner with health less than 50%

    ~_^ With banner’s health less than 50% or bird’s? The latter seems more probable to me.


    This is an arena set, that actually works far better than the junky Finisher set. It’s actually playable.


    I agree @Garugeist, the finisher set was really buggy and bad all around


    @werehamster like when your opponent has a 20000 hp’ed banner and is left with 10000 hp after some battling your birds will do 100% more damage.


    I don’t think the set item would increase the damage dealt on all the birds. In my opinion it’ll just be the banner taking the extra damage. But we’ll see.

    Zeke Kaiser

    I looked at the set item myself, and this is what it says:

    All allies deal 100% more damage against a banner, that’s below 50% health.

    It sounds like only the damage dealt to the banner will be affected. Not to the other birds.

    Still a great set. Basically reduces the opponent’s banner’s health by 25%.


    In all intensive purposes, it’s pretty much a win more type of set. So if you win the coin toss then you might have one heck of a field day stomping. If not then, I don’t see this set having as much impact when you go second. For me I’d say its just above average.


    It is written “All allies deal…” and not “Opponent’s banner sudden…”.

    In this particular case, it means that when the health of the opponent’s banner will be lower than 50 %, 2 other birds of our team will impose 200 % of damages and it on any target !

    It is just amazing !!!


    Bomb’s new weapon set appears to be a persistent aura, similar to Chuck’s Mana set or Matilda’s Nightmare set. It is always in play even if Bomb is KO’d, and only triggers when the condition for it is met.

    The wording of the set effect is ambiguous because it says that all allies deal 100% more damage to the banner when under 50% health. This brings up a few questions…
    1. When who is under 50% health? The bird or the banner?
    2. Is this 2x damage, or simply +100% damage? For example, would Paladin deal 270% damage, or 235% damage?

    The set effect sounds similar to the current banner set that doubles a bird’s damage & healing when under 25% health. With the current Valiant meta, this weapon set can’t be too threatening because of the spiking metagame. The AI tends to focus one character down per turn, so you either have a bird at near full health, or a KO’d bird. Valiant gives your birds absolutely no defensive stats, so realistically how often could you keep your birds under 50% health? This is a primary reason why Avenger doesn’t work in Arena because AI will focus on the bird with the least amount of current HP, which also explains why AI will always KO Chuck and Blues in one turn.

    If you want to keep birds under 50% health, you’d need Paladin to shield that ally. If not, the AI will simply spike that bird down.


    This is far more than a “win more” set. This set effectively removes 25% of the Banner’s health. It is a good set for Arena, and the effect is clearly better than Banner Breaker.

    Also, the effect triggers on a damaged banner. It’s not Angry.


    The phrase I think you want to use is: “For all intents and purposes…”.


    I got the new set already. And what I got to say is it doesn’t work every time. But when it works you do double damage. I have 1.9k dmg on bomb. When it’s double I give 3.8k. When it’s critic around 8k. So it’s really good. Didn’t notice the other birds giving double dmg yet. Its good combined with high ďmg birds.


    I have played a couple of opponents with this set. So far it has done very little. I suppose if I lose the toss it may be more effective.


    @salius ohh man you’re lucky man. 30 coins and no luck here!!!


    Got this set as well. Works really well for me.



    How many LC for got it ?
    Always any Piercing Set ? :s


    @grimmjow Used 60 for it (4 multi-rolls) and got lucky.
    1st roll:
    Forest Bounty, Bomb Bola
    2nd Roll:
    The Sling, RC Robot
    3rd Roll:
    Kirei Masamune
    4th roll: Bomb Bell

    No Piercing Set though. :(


    I got the bomb Bola in my first spin as well. But I used 360 coins to get both of them. No piercing.
    Probably next month when they release new set to blues. Lol


    Nice spins there! Today is 3x, yes?


    @graugeist Is that question for me or someone else?

    I agree and that’s exactly what I’m waiting for too by hoping that introducing a new set for Blues will fix the problem of not giving the Piercing Set as it belongs to Blues as well (maybe the codes will be fixed thus). I know people here are skeptical but I have my doubts that it is not a random thing and is a bug which sadly I cannot prove. Maybe I’m wrong but who knows, we’ll see when I get my hands on the False Coin and False whatever set.


    3x Rainbow Riot is on the 4th usually. 5x is on the 18th.


    Good…reduces opponent banner HP by 25%.


    I’m hoping Blues get a Spiky / Retaliate set. That would be interesting.


    Upon further testing, the number in the description is INCORRECT. This new weapon set only increases damage dealt to the banner by 30%. For example, if Pirate Bomb deals 1,000 with his normal attack, when the enemy banner is below half, Bomb would deal 1,300 damage. This is a persistent aura that affects all allies, so other birds get this 30% damage boost against the banner even if Bomb is KO’d.


    Yeah, I was also only getting a 30% boost, so that’s 2 of us.

    If anyone is getting the +100% boost that’s claimed in the description, please speak up.

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