Am I cursed?

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum Am I cursed?

  • I’m seriously beginning to think I’m cursed. Two reasons, one of which I can accept as a coincidence, the other one not.

    So, the first and possibly coincidental one, is that I have now opened 40 legendary chests and not a single one of them has contained a legendary hat. I don’t mean just the cards that I have picked, but all of them. Other players in my clan pick legendary hats out of chests all the time, and I’ve never even seen one (except the one hat I have so far managed to save up black pearls for).

    The second and more sinister reason is this: In regular clan events I am ALWAYS (and I really meas always, as in every single time) at the bottom of the list of players with the same number of points as me, and this makes getting the best bonus prizes really hard. Does anyone know what determines the internal ranking of players with an equal number of points?

    I have already ruled out: the order in which we played the event, how long we have been clan members, alphabetical order, flock power, star rank, and the only other thing I can think about is our actual score in the event in question, but I find it almost impossible to believe that I systematically score less than my fellow clan members (in flock power I am currently ranked 17 in a clan with 46 members).

    Looks like the game has a static list of players, in a totally random order, and that I, for some obscure reason, is at the bottom of this list. In other words, I’m cursed.

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  • Yue

    Believe or not, yes, you are cursed. cheers up…..

    Vogel Birdson

    Pardon my ignorance, but we regard a Legendary Hat as one of the 10x hats, right?

    There must be something amiss if none of those chests had one available, even if you didn’t pick the right card.

    Gaining an equal number of points seems odd in itself. Are you saying you finish a game and have the exact score as another member of your clan? This sounds almost impossible to me as there will inevitably be slightly different scores coming up, determining positioning.

    Perhaps cursed isn’t the right word – something just isn’t right!


    Yes, by legendary hat I mean the 10x hats.

    And I’m not talking about clan vs clan events, but the regular events where you score one point the first time you play, then two, and then three points for every time you play. Assuming we don’t fail any levels, all members who have played the same number of times have the same score.

    RIP Piggies

    I feel for you. I have one single fancy hat from probably around 70 chests, so your odds aren’t that unusual. Some people have clearly been much, much luckier. Perhaps if you start spending $ on the game your “luck” will improve ;)? Even worse, I have had 100 BPs five times as the “reward” which is obviously completely pathetic. I too would be interested in how players on the same points get ranked – because (like you) I can’t see any rhyme or reason!


    I think it’ s about the damage you make in the several rooms. Every player get one point but the rank of damage is different.


    I do spend $. Much more than I should.

    And I don’t think it could be about damage. It makes no sense that a player ranked in the top 30% of a clan, consistently scoring in the top 30-50% in clan vs clan battles, should systematically be doing less damage than any other random player in that same clan. I would accept it as a possible explanation if it happened a lot. But it happens all the time. I’m simply not that lousy a player :-)


    Ever consider its in reverse order of something like scores? Low scorers on too to help them out? That said I looked into that as well and couldn’t figure it out. Order or reverse order by who joined the clan when?


    Reverse order of scores would mean that I consistently, in every single clan event, have the best scores. This is not just unlikely but pretty much impossible. Both order and reverse order by who joined the clan when have been ruled out.

    The only possible explanation I can see is that clan events lists players with the same score ordered by some list that is generated by random order and then never changes. Since I”m always last, regardless of which other players have the same score as me, regardless of the order in which we played, etc.


    I think when you score the same points as your team member in the clan event, you are always be the 2nd or third, or…, to get to that point (say 6 points). So you are always ranked later. It’s ranked by time stamp of completion, my guess.


    No. As I said initially, this has been ruled out.

    Edit: Specifically, right now on the current Mount Porc event, I was first to reach nine points. Now, two other players have gotten nine points as well. And I’m last on the list of players with nine points.



    well, if so, then my guess will be destruction rate. As far as I know, the score is based on
    (power level) X (stage clearance score@100%) X (destruction rate)


    Well, yes. That’s what I would think too, if this was something that just happened a lot. But as I’ve been saying, it happens EVERY TIME.

    I find it very hard to believe that I should be scoring less than my fellow clan members at every single event when I’m well above average FP in my clan. And, for the record, I didn’t come by this FP in a cheap and easy way. I’ve been playing every day for over a year, I have a star rank of 77 and I’ve almost finished all available map levels.   I would be better than the others now and then if your explanation was right.



    sometime you feel “I would be better than the others now and then”, and the truth might get you hurt. For fair comparison, next time when clan battle coming, keep a worsheet recording your clanmates’ score and power level. Dividing score by power level, you would get an average score per power level. Do it more times, then the comparison of your skill would be more clear.


    I don’t need to do that. My clan leader already does, and there’s nothing wrong with my skills. I’m not the best, but I’m certainly not the worst either.

    I’m sorry, but your explanation simply does not fit the facts.


    I noticed it too. Yesterday I was at the bottom of my clan list. Today was the same. Once I played as first of all my mates, once last of them and in every time I was on the last place. I’m not the worst player; for example I was on the 1st in clan battle yesterday with almost double score ahead of our second best guy. If every mode in this crap is rigged? Really I don’t get it.

    RIP Piggies

    So has anyone checked whether it’s order of joining the clan? So if three people are on 30 points, the one who first joined the clan is ranked highest and so on. That could make sense.


    Nope. I’m in the clan from the begginning – there was only two members in the squad: leader and me. About 1.5 week ago people started joining our clan and we’ve got 15 people already. Now I’m near the bottom of the clan chart – almost everyone has 1 point scored. Lower than me is guy who scored 0 points. You know, If you wanna take higher place just play another round but hey, you must pay gems. That’s Rovio’s style.


    I am exactly the opposite, I am in the middle of my clan by FP, but no matter who has the same points I am always at the top.  I know there is no way I have scored better then everyone else but I’m still number one every time.  The one thing that does stand out, is that I have a low star rank to flock power, 46-357.  Maybe that makes a difference.

    Inigo Montoya

    I’ve wondered about this too, as several newer players with higher and lower Star Ranks, FP and ratio are always above me when we play. No rhyme or reason that I can see, just a curse I share with you (ditto regarding Legendary Hats.) In calculating ratios I did notice an interesting side issue: almost half of our Clan Members have different FP than that shown in their avatar box, bringing our Clan Power down by 77 points. Has anyone else noticed this in their Clan, and do you have any suggestions for correcting it?

    Inigo Montoya

    With thanks to Lance @lancemac for the Star Rank:Flock Power idea, and to Yue @yue-zhang for inspiring me to spreadsheet our Clan after seeing her breakdown of Arena Stars awarded by percentage over opponents!


    The best player in my clan (second higher FP and best scores at CBs) is almost always at the bottom of the list of players, so don’t feel bad, be proud!


    This is what I have observed:

    • Legendary hats are very, very rare prizes in the Legendary Chests. I have hardly even seen one, let alone picked it. 500 Pearls and 6000 Feathers seem most common.
    • I think Rovio changed the ranking of players with the same score in clan challenges. At first it seemed that the most recent player to reach that score was always at the top, but then it seemed to become more random. I want to think the first person to reach it gets to stay at the top, but I can’t say that for certain.


    I think the Flock Power displays are both glitchy and subject to delays in updating. I have looked at my own, and sometimes it doesn’t even show the correct score to me. I wouldn’t put too much stock in this information.

    Inigo Montoya

    Thanks, Featherbottom @redsignals; didn’t know if the aggregate score being lower than the individual one helped or hurt our Clan Battle (although since we’re supposedly matched to similarly ranked Clans it shouldn’t make a difference). I can tell you from checking our last three Events that ranking isn’t based on first or last to score, since I’ve been both and always end up in the same place relative to other Members at that score. Looks like a fixed order or roster that’s randomized (with newer players added randomly within it when they join) but once set, doesn’t change.


    How about alphabetcial order…? Is that a thing maybe?

    Lee Shane

    Just so you know, you can click on the information button on each of the chests to see what the item rarity percentages are. In the legendary chest, you only have a 2% chance of getting items of legendary rarity

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