achievement problem

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum achievement problem

  • I am trying to get the last 2 achievements… master and the lower one. I have a few characters level 5 and some 6 and 7. Should it have happend by now?

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  • KillerKea

    Veteran, Elite, and Master class achievements are all probably broken now since they got rid of those in the last update. They should have given people the achievement awards when they got their first bird to level 3, 5 and 7 mastery because that is what they converted our birds to.

    Shawn Tuffy

    Ugh…. been playing for so long just for those last 2 acheivements. Im one ofnthose people who just have to have every acheivement. Are the developers aware of the problem? Any word on getting fixed?


    @shawn-tuffy Wow didn’t consider that when Rovio made the switch to the level system. Shoot them a support email; I’d hope they are aware of it but who knows.


    I’ve sent a message to Rovio about this.

    Javi-Wan Kenobi

    Any news from Rovio regarding this issue? I’ve just got level 5 with a Bird and no achievement unlocked

    Angry Johnny

    I got this response from Rovio about achievements:

    “The previous bird classes were transferred to the new ranking system as well. The previous Veteran class is now level 3, the Elite class is now level 5 and the Master class is now level 7. The achievements themselves work similarly as they did before, only their names and ranking system were changed. So now there is more range among achievements and you can get to a higher level than with the previous bird classes.

    Hope this advice helps!

    Best regards,

    Rovio Support Team”

    So that is how it is SUPPOSE to work but clearly this is bugged.

    Shawn Tuffy

    yea… this blows…

    Javi-Wan Kenobi

    Is this solved with today’s update?

    Angry Johnny

    If level 7 actually is suppose to be when the Master achievement is to be unlocked then no, this has not been fixed in the latest update.

    Shawn Tuffy

    yea, still dont have the achievements with the update…. lame………..

    Angry Johnny

    I just got this response from Rovio support (a follow up to the previous posted response):

    Sorry for the confusion. If you are are referring to the Google Play Games or Gamecenter achievements, you will no longer be able to achieve the Mastery achievement as it doesn’t exist anymore. We are working on changing this in a future update.

    We apologize for any inconvenience.

    Kind regards,

    Rovio Support Team

    So that kind of sucks but at least they are working on it.

    Edit: In Google Play Games the achievements does now have a description that states that they are no longer obtainable.

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