Account lost

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Account lost

  • Hey guys,

    I have to ask something because I’m just freaking out… I had some issues with connecting with my facebook account and tried several things and ended with losing the state of all my birds. I had over 70 level birds with epic items and so on and now they are level 7 and with nothing. It was really weird – I couldn’t connect to my fb account and the only way was to connect to my rovio account and then to my fb account. But then I got these 7 level birds. I had to log out from my rovio account and then all was back to normal. But after some tries I ended up with having the game from the beginning. Now I was able to connect to my rovio account and get back these 7 level birds but not my real birds… What should I now do?

    Thanks for the help.

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  • vocome

    Okay, never mind. I fixed it somehow… Don’t know how but after an hour of tries I got everything back.

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Account lost

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