200 or 1.000 gems from rare chests?

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum 200 or 1.000 gems from rare chests?

  • In the last couple of days it feels like the gems completely disappeared from the loot table of rare chests. Today I bought 15-20 rare chests in a row and not once did I see gems. I’m not talking about actually winning them, I didn’t even miss them. So I was wondering: did Rovio take the gems out?

    @all: did you see any gems in rare chests in the last 2-3 days?

    : do you know anything about that?
    …and btw, I told that to the customer service every time I had contact with them: where are your patch notes? Don’t you want to give your fans the chance to read what you actually changed? …or did I miss something like that on facebook for example?

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  • Replies
  • KayBird

    I agree.  I have not seen many gems in the rare chests lately.

    Angry Beaver

    No gems in common and rare chests (dunno about legendary) and friend gifts also were only spells (i don’t need ducks anymore!) in last few days. WTF?


    Yes definitely no gems .whats going on


    I have definitely received gems from the common chest – but not from any “wortwhile” chest.


    Now game is not worth playing for me anymore after they disabled all gem rewards for all chest you open,they are just being greedy they want to force players to buy gems just don’t fall into that trap and hank and customer service doesn’t care about it because they are just puppets of rovio noting more…from now on i’ll never purchase anything from game.


    Since I posted this thread I haven’t received any gems from the free chests as well.

    Too bad Rovio really takes that away from us without showing the decency to tell us.

    : this is really a bad move from Rovio. (I wanted to use other words, but I wanna keep it clean…)

    Vogel Birdson

    I did get 1,000 gems from a rare chest some weeks ago, after completing KPP I think. I was so thrilled that I took a screenshot of it, hence I know the time and date – 07:42 UK time on 14th August 2017.

    (Thrilled because I never have more than a few hundred gems).

    Perhaps that was some precursor to planned removal of gems?

    Ironically, I had since logged a support ticket with Rovio because I had lost all my gems and black pearls! I had a response the other day, but my immediate response back (confirming player ID) hasn’t yet been seen to, so I’m still waiting for all my gems and pearls to reappear…. I currently have only 102.

    For players like me, those gems are truly valuable. I’m close to getting the 500 from the 50 Arena Win streaks and hope that doesn’t disappear after support reinstate my missing gems… that would be bad.



    We assume that Rovio took it off the loot table when they changed the clan-game prices about a week ago. Since then no one has received gems from chests. I received thousands of gems from those chests so far.

    Angry Beaver

    Moves like this are not good for business. If you want to sell something you can’t f*** ** your customers. Especially in 21st century when internet is everywhere. Customers are actually quite sensitive and probably will “vote with legs”.

    RIP Piggies

    Out of over 500 rare chests since the feats started, I have received exactly 1 x 1000 gems and 2 x 200 gems. It appears those gems rewards are extremely rare…


    Yes, they are rare and I can deal with rare. Hats from those chests (I’m talking about x3 or x4 hats) are rare too, and that’s fine. But taking it off without any comment is another thing.

    I don’t know why the Rovio support won’t talk to his fans. Pretty much the stupidest thing they can do…


    I was thinking to buy some 1-2 bonus points just for fun and a gem letter but after they started to being greedy i won’t buy anything from now on and clan rewards are decreased further,there’s noting left to do in the game for me.

    Mechanic Pig

    No gems too.

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum 200 or 1.000 gems from rare chests?

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