!!! AB Rio : ultimate cheat !!!
  • That is all well and good, but are you trying to compare your scores with others, or just come up with an absurdly high number just for the sake of doing so?
  • @bastieroxxor

    We pride ourselves on having honest players and a legitimate leaderboard, so we're removing the details from this post.
  • It is good to be aware of this cheat though, so for that I do thank you for informing us.
  • This method is already shared on others forums by other players, it's why I warn you before new suspect highscores appear on your site. Nobody should live in the total ignorance!
    As you can see, I don't suscribe my AB Rio scores.
  • Agree, though you should enter your honest scores, as it would help with policing efforts. This is why community policing (ABN) is many times better than algorithmic policing (Game Center). In our case, we do both.
  • Weird, I found this on ign.com. Does this work?
    Locked Worlds
    Perform the followings steps to unlock all worlds without playing through the game.
    1. Load up Angry Birds and go to the world select screen.
    2. Center a locked world on the screen.
    3. Push back button all the way out of Angry Birds.
    4. Load Angry Birds back up and when the "Play" button appears tap it rapidly.
    5. You should be inside the locked worlds stage select screen.
    6. Now, pass the first level of each world to unlock it.
  • No need of that anymore, all worlds are unlocked as of v2.0.0.
  • Will they be locked after the next update? I thought all levels unlocked was only for 2.0.0.
  • If I remember correctly, BirdDay episode was locked.
    All levels up to M&D were unlocked as a gift.
    So a new episode would probably be locked as "usual" otherwise no one would buy Mighty Eagle.
  • I'm happy the details are away, I was never gonna use that.
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