The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 556
  • *huge teams of construction trailers, cranes and heavy equipment start pulling into old BP Jr. parking lot.*
  • Man, it's 9PM here. Don't they know do not make loud noises at night?
  • Well, they were going to stay at the new hotel in town. But no one was there. I will be back. I have to fly them to Peacock Island.
  • Hmm.. why is the new hotel..closed? All those construction workers!! Maybe someone should meet rd at. The airport and open up!!@blahalb09 ..angryboy. ssmb;)
  • I waited outside the door for fun to.see how long it.would take them to take care of me. Apparently wblahs laptop battery died. LOL!
  • Ooohh lol..not funny about the battery but funny you waited;)
  • Btw patio looks great;) cant wait to sit out there after work tommorrow;) I miss seing the * happy birds nibble *:)
  • Speaking of happy birds, did you finish the new chapter of BirdMan? I was hoping to post it tonight.
  • I am I'm the midst of it..plan on reading some more now:) srry its taking me so long
    .been. trying to sneak some in at work..gonna make a point to right now;)
  • Will let you know soon as I'm done ;)@rdnzlrips82 :)
  • Well. It's the middle thing. :D
  • Awesome @rdnzlrips82 hmmi read in pm..then tried the link on page 1it wouldn't load ..:/
  • Special thing..( surprize?)
  • Two things for us I am working on.
  • Change #5 to Reply to non-team PMs.
  • Awww @ rdnzlrips82 that's the first. Thing I did...all is good;)
  • O.k really going flinging get to work on your list;) that's. An order!! Lol:)
  • I am finishing dishes first. Then work.
  • @AMSlimfordy -- Congrats on your new digs! *Clinks a glass of Crystal, Cheers!*
  • Alrighty everyone. Who's ready to do some updating?
  • Updated Agenda:
    1. Updates
    2. PM ideas for Parrot Place
    3. Reply to non-team PMs
    4. Post BirdMan Chapter II
    5. Special Project
    6. Sleep
  • Wow! Long day! Finally got done beating all the existing averages for the new levels, still short of score addict in Utopia though, we must all be missing something, usually the averages will take care of that. Prob have to keep at it for the next week or so until the secrets all start coming out.
  • Hey @burbman. I am still behind on averages on most of the levels. But, I've only had 2 hours to devote to the 3* mission over 5 days. Not bad. Huh? LOL!
  • Not bad at all!! I saw that you finally made it to the egg levels. Some real mind benders there! I am thinking about reading some of the walkthroughs in Utopia to see where I can find the last few points to get SA, but then again, if I wait for the averages to pass me, it should all take care of itself.
  • Those Egg levels are insanely fun. Kind of like DZ but less anguish involved. I still have a lot of points left until Score Addict. I believe 143k or something like that. It does seem kind of high. I am wondering if they plan on releasing more levels.
  • Right now I am doing a DZ 4 test. Both of mine stopped at 1640 last night. Not a good sign. Seeing as how my attempts prior to that all partially collapsed after 40-50 minutes.
  • I doubt it, I am about 18k short, and there are levels that I am that far off high score on. I am guessing that there are some tricks to higher scores that have yet to be found. When the added the egg levels to the other episodes they increased the SA total.
  • Hmmm. Maybe I should try to let DZ4 run on my iPhone tonight when I go to bed.
  • Hmm...The one thing I don't enjoy about the Utopia levels is the increased L-Factor. It kind of takes away the skill for me.
  • I just started a while ago and am up to 890. It is trucking along at the usual rate. As a rule, my partial collapse starts between 1570 & 1620.
  • *walks inside* I hear some truck engine sounds, what's that?
  • In iOS, I have never had it do much before about 3500. Sounds like there are some advantages to android. On Utopia, I have found a lot of luck, but also quantum leaps in score with slight modifications to strategy on some levels. I think with some detailed attention to some of these levels, we could be finding scores that will make today's numbers look low.
  • Well...hopefully nothing since the construction crew is sleeping at the Cardinal Capital Hotel.
  • Well @burbman, as soon as i get a chance. I will work on doing what I do best around this site and work up some PATs.
  • Hm? Jr. under construction? I wonder what'd happen after this...
  • *puts on hard hat and poofs to construction site*
  • *poofs back and removes hard hat* One of the guys left a dump truck running. *holds keys in the air* I hope this isn't a bad sign.
  • Sounds good, I gotta get to bed. Early morning hike with the rest of the company executives tomorrow. Company retreats can be a blessing and a curse!!
  • No joke. @burbman. Have a nice retreat.
  • *walks in with a hardhat and a shovel* Hope that ain't really a bad sign.
  • Item #1 on the Agenda complete.
  • Wow really cool you have an office lol
  • Had a great day today!
  • I am glad to hear you had a good day @harry. Did you learn anything cool at school?
  • Yep about space!
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