The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2917
  • Nighty Night my friends !
  • Princess in the house
  • And Why Do they say 'God Save the Queen' Why Don't they say 'God Save the Princess' ??
  • Can’t decide whether I’m happy or not
    Off to the sun (Tenerife) tomorrow
    But have to get up at 2.30am Yuk flight leaves at 6am
  • Lol @Hunnybunny!! Of Course your Happy!! all you gotta do is get in the car, doze off (assuming your not driving) get out of the car, get through the airport get on the plane and sleep!
    thanks alot btw now i have to look up where Tenerife is!

  • Weird thing today, My work email address which is'Within Company Only' supposedly
    Everyone got a security Alert from Amazon saying 'Someone tried to sign into your account with an unrecognised device' located in Estonia?? where the heck is Estonia???
  • @Gumby Waaassssuupppp???
    OB I'll have a good Old Fashioned PigKiller please, haven't had one of those for a long time!
    and tonight I have a Hopefully Pig Slaughter planned in Ragnahog!!

    Hey @catsnbirds in case your lurking, just want to say hello :D
  • @kathy Of course I'm lurking! And hello to you. Did you get your new place cleaned up? When do you move? Think it will be so good for you and Dave to have your own place, and his mom to have hers :-)
    Estonia borders Russia to its east, Latvia to its west, the Baltic Sea to its north and west. It is south of Finland.
  • Lol @Catsnbirds Of Course , always in your booth :)
    As for the apartment, it's coming along, tomorrow our new living room furniture will be delivered, and hopefully next weekend we will be moved in totally. i still have lots of cleaning to do, Dave has been painting almost done!
    it'll be sooo good for us!! His mom, yes it will be good for her also in different ways.
    I can't wait to Have my own space, and hang my pictures on the walls!
  • sorry I'm excited lol, i tend to ramble heehee
    Thanks for the location of Estonia,I thought somewhere like that, And I'm absolutely positive No one from Estonia has hacked into my Amazon account
  • @Mighty-Red-1 soo sorry I missed your Birthday! :(
    Hope you had a Wonderful day, and know how much We Birdies appreciate all your help and walkthrough videos! also sorry I don't have a Banner, the New Banner designer is on vacation!
  • crap I forgot Dash names don't work in here :( not my day , whatever could have gone wrong Did!
    Nighty Night all
    @Pa iI wish you were here, miss you lots Nighty Night @Pa ♡♡♡♡
  • @kathy WASSSUUUPPP
    @mightyred1 Happy belated Birthday :)
  • @Gumby Wassssuup ???
  • @ixan57 Hubz just found a delicious beer - Heineken Wild Lager, using natural yeasts discovered by a scientist. I'm not a great beer drinker myself but I love this one. So tell OB to stock up!
    Google refuses to give me the site in English but you will find it easily.

    Here's the French site, just for now:

  • Thanks @TomPuss wonder why you don't get that Google access. Beer
  • @TomPuss @kathy we need some horses and whatshisname back here, get some boogie.
    @catsnbirds we'll get this place rocking, keep up the good work.
    Tompuss beer beer gulp. He he he thanks, don't take much encouraging
  • @TomPuss :-( Wild Lager not available in my area. There's a site that you can check to see if it is anywhere nearby. Oh well, I'm set with Alaskan Amber at the moment.
    @ixan57 Okay, let's turn up the music and throw open the doors!

    Any Whovians around?
  • Just made me cry with laughter
    I’m back to my holiday....
    See you lot soon xx
  • @hunnybunny Yes, newest series is currently airing here. Love that cartoon! And by love, of course I mean that I want to scream at how true it can be.
    Enjoy your sunshine and warmth!
  • @catsnbirds this is for you!

    @hunnybunny, the cartoon made me laugh even tho' I haven't seen this series!
    Began watching at the outset, with William Hartnell as the Doctor. .

    @ixan57 @gumby
    Wild Lager - Google just gives you the site for the country you live in.

    Dancing, I'm always looking out on YT. Nothing beats the Merry Widow cancan!
    When I typed in "dancing girls" all I got was a lot of twerking, most inelegant!

    Try Fred Astaire & Cyd Charisse, from "Silk Stockings":

  • @TomPuss Thanks for the piano cat link. That is one laid back feline! Mine occasionally "help" with AB shots on my iPad. They just aren't very successful at it. ;-)
  • @kathy You haven't stopped in the BP for almost a week. I'm getting worried about you! Have you gotten all moved into your new apt?
  • Hey @Catsnbirds I'm sooo sorry for my absence, I should've at least popped in to say hi!
    Been busy, packing , cleaning apartment after work, running back and forth between apartment after work and trying to get home, x damn i got the error box!
    but yes We unexpectedly moved in to new place last night!
    hope this goes through... error box¿
  • oohh cool it went through! i say unexpectedly because I thought I had Friday night to do last minute stuff, and pack up the rental truck on Saturday morning, but Dave got his friend to help us move it all Friday night after work, because of the storm Nor'Easter blowing in, which was good thinking! so I've been busy last minute cleaning packing, shopping organizing!
    I hate moving!! but I'm wicked happy!
    Now OB can you send the blues over to my new place, i need some cleaning done Lol!
  • WiFi and mobile connection in and out, not sure if it's the weather or location, but I'll check in promise:)
    OB I'll take a PigKillern please, haven't had that for a while! thank you!
  • @kathy Whoot! Congrats! Good getting moved before the storm takes over. And now you've got the weekend to play in your own place :-)
  • Thanks @Catsnbirds :D It really means a lot to me to know i have freinds here that truly care!
    And yep i did a lot today, and tomorrow will be as well, but all good things in all good time :)
    Nighty Night , thanks for keeping your eye on the joint when I'm not around ♡♡♡
  • @kathy Congrats on the move! *sighs of relief*
    Now relax, here's one for sleeping: "Dreams for you":

    Hello @catsnbirds!
  • @hunnybunny
    Found this Winter Concert by Sting. It comes from Durham Cathedral, lovely pics of the city at the beginning. Love Durham, went to university there.
    It's a long concert, but worth a look even if you don't watch it all!

  • @tompuss will look after QI
    We love quiz programmes, serious like University Challenge or stupid like Mock the Week
    And me and Mr Bunny play against each other
    He normally wins Mastermind, his general knowledge is excellent
    I normally win University Challenge I have more education
  • @tompuss Durham Cathedral was beautiful
    Music not to my taste
  • Hello Everyone! just checking in, Thanks @Tompuss for the *sigh of relief* and the lovely relaxing Dreams!
    Hi @Hunnybunny and @Catsnbirds ;)
    @Gumby Waassssuppppp???
  • @TomPuss @hunnybunny @kathy
    Just stopping by to say hi to all. Watching The Voice. Really enjoy the singing and watching the coaches.
    End of the season yard work time. Tomorrow most of the patio furniture will be put away for the winter. Sigh... But the next day is Halloween! I live in a neighborhood that gets lots of kids stopping by. So fun to see all the costumes.
  • @catsnbirds love The Voice too
    What coaches do you have?
    We have variously Tom Jones,, Kylie, Rita Ora, Ricky Wilson, and Danny O’Donoghue, Jessy J, Paloma Faith
    I think you have Aloe Blakk or however he spells it. Great singer
    Our doorway is nearly buried under autumn leaves, need the yard brush tomorrow
  • @catsnbirds think Jennifer Hudson has coached both side of The Pond
  • @hunnybunny We always have Adam Levine (Maroon 5) and Blake Shelton. This season, Jennifer Hudson and Kelly Clarkson are also coaches. Love Adam and Blake. Then there are "guest" coaches who join the regulars for different rounds. Last night was Mariah Carey, earlier rounds saw CeeLo Green, Keith Urban, Halsey and Thomas Rhett. Another episode tonight!
    John Legend will be replacing J. Hudson next season.
  • Woot @catsnbirds John Legend and Cee Lo Green
    Not sure on Mariah Carey, a bit of a diva!

    Goodnight all
  • @Gumby Waaassssuupppp???
    Nighty Night @Hunnybunny ..
    sorry guys my connection is in and out :/
  • @all Let's celebrate!

    Hallowe'en videos!! Hope you enjoy!

    Bobby Pickett: "The Monster Mash":

    Bill Maher: "To Hell with Hallowe'en":

    The Ellen Show: "This Hallowe'en in Dance":

    Ghost-hunting with Hugh Laurie! ❤
  • Wwwoot!! Happy Halloween everyone!!
    @Tompuss thanks for the great tunes, lol, I was gonna post the Monster Mash but you got it!
    @Hunnybunny Loove Howlin' Wolf !
    I'll post my Monster Mash anyway, can't get enough lol!
    hope this works
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