The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2490
  • Night Pa. .
  • Morning Ma
  • OB, wake up, a large vodka, lots of rocks, no fruit, please
  • Wow! Slow day today!
    The news said it snowed in Huntington Beach (known as Surf City) today. Huntington Beach is south of LA, and it turns out what they meant was it hailed so much the beach and nearby streets were covered with hail. Guess a lot of S. CA's don't know the difference between hail and snow. There were reports of "snowball" fights; double ouch if it was hail!
  • Hello guys,
    I can barely use my left hand, still inflammation that is bothering me. Result: not working, hardly flinging, bad scores. Now I can understand @rat by getting depressed - and for me it is not taken that long time - yet.
    This is also the reason why I am not much present in this BP.
  • @bernersenn Is everything going to be OK after the infection/inflammation goes down? In other words, no surgery will be needed, right?
    I'm pulling for a full recovery. Thanks for the words of compassion. It does help to be understood.
  • @rat yes, all will be ok, without surgery. But it will take some time. And that "some time" is not defined. I can say that it goes better and better. I hope to be painfree within a week from now. Thanks for asking. And glad to help you
  • @bernersenn wishing all goes well. But take hope from @rat who is a top flinger!
    @mvnla2 drove about five miles North of home, sleet / snow greeted me. Came back, driving in lovely sunny conditions, turned the corner to our house, and saw three to four inches of hail stones on the courtyard! Strange weather....
    Still quiet in here. Wake up! OB! Usual vodka please, to take my mind off the daily challenge. What sadistic mind chose that one (@sweetp?)
  • @hunnybunny Today's challenge was quite pleasant for me. I switched from 330th place to 19th, but I remember having hated this level last time I visited it. This one is among those strange levels which are extremely frustrating as long as you don't understand what to do and how to do it, and which then become fun when you get it.
  • @sglouk I have only played Utopia as a mission for Brass Hogs. I got it (sort of) and certainly made thousands on my previous (dreadful) score
    Some levels you like, some you don't ( unless of course, you are comex666! )
  • I'll try again.......
  • @hunnybunny Well, even comex666 did not seem to find this level inspirational, actually. His score is unexpectedly low, today.
  • @sglouk made another 4k, now above comex666! But he is rather good, isn't he? Forty puppies. I'm proud of my seven lol!
  • @sglouk sent you a friends request. Can't believe I hadnt done it before! One question: where are you from?
  • @hunnybunny With the new challenge badges, we have another motivation to participate to daily challenges, as we are rewarded every ten puppies we get.
  • @hunnybunny France, very close to Paris.
  • @sglouk I know, I know. I love badges. Off now, something good on the TV, for once! May fling later. I only know a little of Paris, but not much of France, as my sister lived in Boulevard Haussmann for a few years.
  • @hunnybunny Many department stores and movie theaters there, but probably a bit too noisy.
  • Good night all
  • Won't some one come play with me in Brass Hogs? I'm waiting. I stopped after 7 levels on my second pass to let everyone catch up. I'm ready to fling again. @Romo? @Ollygod? @burpie? @Anyone?

    I wouldn't recommend trying to get the puppy today. The top score is near unbeatable as @comex666 is finding out.
  • @bernersenn -- Hope you hand gets back to normal soon. I hate it when doctors say "some time" or even "1 month". Are you taking pain pills or just something like ibuprofen? I also hate taking the stronger pain pills. You don't even realize how out of it you are.
    @hunnybunny @mumsie -- Ever heard of Joule's beer? The name comes from the same family as the famous Joule (unit of energy). The beer is only sold in local pubs (never bottled). A friend told me about this recently.
    @Sglock -- I guess I'll add the badges for daily challenges to the list of badges I'll never get. I have one badge, and what? maybe 3 puppies.
  • Watch what you ask for. I've lost two top scores in the last ten minutes by the same flinger. His score on 9-2 is possible. His score on 9-7 is not. That makes both of them questionable.
    cc @admins
  • @Mvnla2 Where/what is the proper channel to tell admin about a suspicious score?
  • That was quick. Thanks @whoever, I think?
  • lol @Pa the best place to get attention is in a Pub right hee hee!

    was the flingers name @anyone haha ?
  • @Rat -- I guess the scores have been deleted? @ admins works pretty well. Otherwise, you can hit the flag on the far right column of the leaderboard.
  • @Mvnla2 @Ma I didn't want to put a stigma on @anyone. That's the reason I kept it anonymous and asked what the proper channels for contesting a score were. And I did flag it. But I remember an admin saying the flags were weak to catch a troll.
  • night Pa
  • I am just discovering Romo's ABSp devoted blog. Even though my understanding of Korean is, er, weak, this is a wealth of information.
  • @Sglouk You can run webpages through Google Translate. Unfortunately, in the case of Romo's blog that doesn't help much ;-)

    @all Does anybody have a completed highscore file for ABO, ABR or ABS that I can use for the daily challenge? I recently downloaded those games and obviously 95% of my levels are still locked.
  • @burpie
    Yes, Google translate is indeed poor in translating Korean. Or maybe Romo writes in an extremely both poetic and esoteric way? But there is a crucially interesting piece of information that is correctly translated: the time estimate to reach some quite high score threshold. I confidently cancelled one of my daily mission today thanks to this.

    I can send you an ABO lua file if you like.
  • @Sglouk I'd be very happy with your ABO file. Thank you! And of course you have my word that I won't forward it to anyone else, or post your scores as my own, etc, etc. It's just so that I can pounce on upcomming daily challenge levels. I think you already have my Gmail account but I'll send it in a PM just in case.
  • @burpie
    My ABO scores have nothing exceptional, so that I would not mind that you borrow them! I tried to get above average scores everywhere in some episodes, but even this was not much successful, so I did not even tried to do it for all episode. The only somehow unusual score I have is for the first version of Egg level 30 (the one where you could create 729 extra pigs and get a non glitchy 3M+ score), but it is not on this savegame (and even then, I never reached 3M).
  • Hey @all! Still grounded, more news after I see doc on Friday. Thanks to @JLZ666, @mumsie, @EStar and all well-wishers, will catch up with PMs soon!
    Meanwhile, from my bed of pain, a little playlist:


    Puppy or baby?

    TG we have libraries. . . now hit the books!

    @hunnybunny Thank you for the Hawks! Yes, I'm crazy about military aircraft. Vulcans used to fly over our house in Nottinghamshire. We were so fond of them even tho' they used to break up our already rather wobbly B&W TV image. Other best experiences were seeing the Mirage 2000 at the Paris air show; and being surprised in my garden, one day back in the '80s, by the roar of Concorde flying low, flanked by the French aerobatic team:

    B-2 Stealth bombers - deadly but beautiful:


    Mirage 2000 (I think I posted this a long time ago, but so spectacular it's well worth a second look):

    5-year old piano prodigy:

    Five decades of love songs in 4 minutes:

    For @mvnla2 and @all_who_love_a_beautiful_voice: Sumi Jo from South Korea:

    Yes @fenikus - those 2cellos rock!

    Over and out
  • @Burpie @Sglouk You're both right about @BeautifulVVorld, AKA @Romo. His website is a treasure trove of methodically thought out strategies but is hard to understand and navigate. At least for single language idiots like myself. I find most of his communications both ultra polite and poetic. I was a bit concerned about his challenge in Beak Impact when a few months ago he disappeared. He later stated that his workload had increased. Lucky for me. He's a skilled flinger.

    Hi @TomPuss. Here's hoping you'll be up and about pan free soon.
    Did you know I helped with the manufacture and testing of the first few B-2's at the plant in Palmdale and Edwards AFFTC, Ca? Interesting planes, huh?
    You're love medley brought back all sorts of memories. Not all good.
  • @rat Wow, you worked on the B-2? How cool is that?! Man of many talents. .
    Sorry for any bad memories there - love songs can do that to ya. . but hope some good ones too. . ❤ ❤
  • @TomPuss -- Hope you feel better soon. I see you've provided plenty of entertainment for the next few days.
    @Rat -- If you want a more private way or effective way of flagging scores, you could try a PM to and admin or use the contact form under about. I'm not sure what is quickest. I've used e-mail to BirdLeader about serious stuff, like underaged members, and it is usually taken care of pretty quickly.
  • @TomPuss It was almost as cool as testing the F117A in Never-never land.
    Thanks @Mvnla2. I guess I knew that already but forgot where in my brain I had it stored. lol
  • @rat I have two top scores in brass hogs, just beat your score on #30 - excellent lightening explosion - but am so, so far away, I need to try MUCH harder
    Doing a Burpie, working from bottom to top!

    @TomPuss I worked one of the last RAF air shows at St. Athan. Harrier Jump Jets, so loud and vibrating, it came through the ground, through your feet and up to your body. And (at the time) one of the last flights by the only remaining, flying, Vulcan. It's been restored now. Would love to see it again. Must look at all your videos, must find time.
  • @tompuss just looked at the Husky Pup Vid. Love it....
  • @tompuss Forgot to mention, Concord used to fly over our house at 11.20 every morning. It had to be a very clear day to see it, and you only ever saw a little "arrow" and the tail wind. Always wanted to fly on her, but by the time we could afford it, she had been decommissioned. Last year we went to the Fleet Air Arm Museum and actually walked through her

  • Good luck in Brass Hogs Mrs. Bunny. I want someone to come play with me. You're someone. lol
  • (Unlurk) Did someone mention airplanes?
  • Baby steps..... The thumb showed up. Good. (Sigh) I tried to post my apologies for mostly lurking ( cause I do care) and not being able to participate much. I haven't even flung since nativity and even then I posted scores to help bring the avg down. My excuse among many is the projects I've been helping my students build. The airplane is slowly coming along. The wings now fit.
  • lol @Abcrazy nice to see you. . I'm a lurker lately myself..What is that plane?
  • ohh duh i should read further

    that's pretty cool.. your students are working hard and fully enjoying every minute I'll wager;)
  • an engineer at my work runs a robotics club for kids. I'm amazed at the things they build.
    robots that can shoot basketball over ramps and through uhmm obstacles. all remotremotely controlled is amazing.
    my keyboard has a stuttering issue lol.
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