The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2456
  • @jaydee -- Not all computer-phobs are seniors, although now I would guess there are few under 20. I do wonder what a kid from a disadvantaged background will feel like when they first encounter a computer or even phone, since everyone else uses them like they were born knowing how. As for me, despite my advanced age, I grew up using computers. I know I've said this before, but not to you. : D My first programming experience was writing code in machine language on ticker tape. The computer occupied an entire room, and was about as powerful as an HP calculator from 30? years ago.
  • @fenikus you were right. The program Reflector on the pc doesn't mirror the Ipad. Bandicam is working properly, but can't record anything. Already turned off the windows firewall. I keep on looking for a solution. Now I'm feeling bad.
  • @fenikus, solved it. Look at this article:
    goto the last comment, about the Mirroring switch. It solved my issue. Good luck
  • no new videos for the time being. Each of the Advent games contains that uggly Terence. Terence isn't my friend, oh no.
  • @bernersenn. Hello. I don't have much of a problem with Terence myself. I do not like the blue birds, though. The ice bird of Space is the worst. I don't even like Blu in Rio. I am feeling "blue" just thinking about it.
    In fact, I see the new Finn Bird is a blue one. Uh oh, makes me worry!

    @mvnla2 - My first experience with computers was my friend's 286 computer. He still had Lemmings on it - hahaha. I recently downloaded that old game onto our desktop pc and it is still fun to play, hahaha!
  • @jaydee isn't it weird that we all have our non-favorites. Personally I like them all except Terence and Bombbird. Most likely is for me the yellow one, followed by Stella
  • @bernersenn, thanks mate! -- that was really unintuitive of Apple to make that change with iOS 8 but as long as it still works, I'm happy!

    @mvnla2, here's my alternate OFI #16 strategy: -- as you can see, had I not messed up the third shot, it would have been 150K+ run.
  • @fenikus good to hear. Hollywood a new director is born...
  • @Jaydee, I've noticed you had much success in daily challenges lately, so you can fling too! How many puppies do you have now? I remember only a few months ago you were a puppy yourself, just starting to play challenges and look at you now.

    I'm also a Rio player myself, but these Seasons advent levels made me give it a try and so far so good. I'm currently in top spot overall but I imagine that won't last when everyone finishes all 25 levels.

    Edit: Or maybe @Rat will grow some cohones and try to usurp me from the throne...
  • @Fenikus
    Rat isn't flingin' much these days. I appreciate you trying to get him going but it's unlikely to happen. His body isn't cooperating with him.

    Edit: Every four or five weeks he flings enough to keep @Romo in check, but that's about it.
  • Arghhh playing Finn ice game froze. .i did hard reset n still wont open! !!
  • @fenikus
    I currently have 4 puppies. Getting my first one was the hardest - I came soooooo close quite a few times before I hit success in that Rio marketplace level.
  • Night Pa
  • Night Ma
  • @mvnla2, I'm from the same era, being around computers since the mid-70's! I used to write my programs on punchcards (the punched out pieces made great confetti!), running them through a compiler, and hoping for the darned thing to work! I used to practically camp out at the computer center every night, changing those "removable" disks as large as a trash can lid.
    My first PC was a used Radio Shack/Tandy TRS-80. Geez, no wonder I never had a social life! Haha!
  • Mornin' Pa & all
    OB I'll have a Peppermint Hot Chocolate please :)
  • Good morning @kathy! How are you doing? Hope BF is doing better.

    edit: Mmmmm that sounds good @kathy...OB I'd like a large mug of regular hot chocolate please.
  • Morning @sweetp
    Bf is managing it's tough ty for asking
  • Give him big ((((hugs)))) from me, please. And ((((hugs)))) to you, too! I know he appreciates your love and support.
    Are you still flinging in Space? I'll have to go back there soon, to catch up and replay what I lost.
  • Thanks @sweetp (((( hugs))))

    Taking a break from Space flinging in Finn ice is hard
  • You're right about OFI @kathy! I've been struggling to get higher than average from the very beginning. You'll find a lot of the levels are Rinse, Repeat...reset...Rinse, Repeat... aarrgghh!
    Let me know if you need any help. I'm keeping with the Advent tradition, so just finished level 10.
    Also waiting for the new Pig Days level to open in about 13 hrs.
  • Have to take my dog to the vet this morning so I'll be back later.

  • @Jaydee I discovered the same thing when I showed up here. Expected a bunch of kids, but nope. then-38 year old Kel was one of the young whippersnappers. There's some interesting demographics out there about who plays AB. pretty surprising stuff.

    @Rat Wow, you really let Frankie have it there in cold cuts. I happened to see it and backed you up, but you shoulda tossed an admins mention in that, unless you expect your natural charm to get results :)

    Actually, another delta would be my new role here. It can definitely take up quite a bit of that free time.
  • Alright what i miss Pa gave someone a lashing ? I can't possibly search every Cold Cut walkthrough so fess up what level..promise i wont say a word..just wanna look ;;)
    Hi @Kelani nice to see ya ;) how's ye lady friend ?

    Edit: you know we are gonna ask every time right? ;)
  • @Kathy hehe. I know you will :P She's fine. Just enjoying her break from work. I'm going to visit her for a few days next week, so, finally I get a kelvacation. :)

    edit: Yeah, he expressed a little displeasure at someone taking his high score, and not backing it up :)
  • Awesome @Kelani :D you deserve a vacation you said she lives near the beach right? Hmm though kinda cold for a beach day but its always refreshing to be near the Ocean and smell the Salty Sea ..mmmm i miss it myself and I'm only 20 minutes away. .driving.

    Edit: so your not gonna tell which level? Hrrmphh i figured as much. .did you ahemm Was it removed? *stomps feet * I wanna see Pa lashing someone hee hee ;)

    Double Edit: I assume its removed cuz i checked his boards, maybe I need closer look
  • @sweetp i hope just routine with the baby dog?
  • Speaking of dislikng certain birds I'm not liking the new ( i guess Tony) in Finn ice..he's better used as Terrence (whom i call Big Bro)
    Of Coutse5 OB you are my favorite :) yes yes of course you fret Everyone here Loves ALL birds. .don't go blowing up now it was just a general discussion of favorites..
  • Hee heee i found it :) I'm getting good at this navigation the nest !
    Seriously 4k over top score? And it's still there with no explanation, but Pa @burbman took your #1 but he's a trusted flinger
    Kk I'm back to Finn
    OB I'll have a PigKiller to go please .
  • @Kelani Actually, I was backing up @Sglouk for his score query on 2-11. And in that one I wasn't in second. He took my top score on that one. *oh well* I was trying to be gentle in my approach. But after reading it again, maybe I wasn't too successful. (you can edit or remove my comment if you wish) Both of his scores don't seem plausible unless he reinvented the rat trap. And his scores on all the other levels aren't representative of someone with that type of ingenuity.

  • Btw @Ma. I believe @Burbman. But it wouldn't hurt for him to acknowledge his strategy as well. Two scores massively over everyone else with no postings on how they accomplished it. Inquiring minds want to know.
  • @mvnla2 you know how i said i Never enter under average scores. .well i remember when i first met you or saw one of your comments on that and i also remembered asking Slim why the averages always go up not ever down..duh lol how foolish i was when i first started on the boards
    Anyway point being Finn Ice is tough..i never usually play new updates for that very reason as my Pahtnah Kimmie always says "wait till the averages average out"
    I currently have 3 out of 10 under average scores entered in Finn..
  • Hi @Pa actually i didn't think that was a Lashing lol..i expected more but actually relieved it wasn't harsher lol. As for @burbman also agreed I think when Anyone takes a top score there should be a strat or explanation at least posted in the walkthrough ,

    Edit : even he who shall not be named could add more to the community/ or could have....
  • @Kathy -- Since I played all the levels last weekend, I assume most of my scores are below average. Will take a while to catch up, if I can.
  • I am trying to go day by day @mvnla2 cuz iike the idea of the advent calendar but I'm sure I'll be way under average as well.I'll catch up again and work back through but idk it seems they are all one shot works. .no different strats .
  • Oops just see my double posts:/
  • @Ma I hope you know I don't get upset when someone beats my top score. If I did, I'd be angry all the time. Quite the opposite. I love it. They're like mini-challenges.
  • Oohh @Pa I know that ;) I know you love a challenge. Just know I get upset when someone disrespects you and doesn't answer the call to the challenge; )
    Like I said i think All top scores (well maybe not all ) but any score that is more than 2k or 3k above without explanation needs an explanation.
  • .OB I'll have a Peppermint Hot Chocolate Please with a shot of Bailey's Irish Creme :)
  • Good mornin' all
    @admins not sure if the above is a member or an ad ?
  • Happy Birthday @Birdleader :)
  • @birdleader
    Happy birdday !! May your birdday and
    every day be filled with the
    warmth of sunshine, the happiness
    of smiles, the sounds of laughter,
    the feeling of love and the sharing
    of good cheer. :-)
  • @kathy
    after seeing the name of the member (or whatever) it looks like it is a ad . :-D
    if a member posted it he should know that a three star walkthrough should be posted on that very level as a alternative video.
  • @kathy, sorry for not replying sooner. It was a super busy day! I had to take my baby boy (Buddy) to get his left eye removed. :( It started getting bad a few months back, when the lens would push up against the front of his pupil, and temporary loss of vision. His eye would get a little discolored, like a faint white cloud. I thought when he'd rub his nose on the carpet that he had an itch, but it was actually from being in pain! So, when we took him to the vet, she said it was the pressure on the pupil that causes the discoloration and painful like a migraine. So we started a daily routine of anti-inflammatory and pain killer pills, and eye drops for a few weeks and it worked. His eye was back to normal, so we stopped the meds. But, the pupils were getting discolored again, so we were back to the same routine of pills and eye drops. After a few more followup visits to the vet, the option to remove the eye was discussed, but to get checked by an opthamologist first to see if there could be another way to stop the lens from moving. She said that this particular problem is common throughout all terrier breeds. So, $250 later, we were told that the lens could be repaired for about $3,000+! Hubby and I discussed it, and knew it was not an option we could afford. so we made the decision to have the vet remove his eye.
    Sorry, didn't mean for this to be such a long read, but there isn't any shorter version.
  • @kathy, looks like spam...I'll take care of it. Thanks for asking!
  • You made a good decision for Buddy @SweetP . As someone who suffers from cluster migraines, I would willingly remove an eye or cut off an arm to stop the pain. Luckily(?), my doctors never offered me that option. Good luck.

    Happy Birdday @Birdleader.
  • Thank you @Rat, he's snuggled in beside me sound asleep. :)
    Haha, yup you're lucky the doc hasn't given you that option, either! Ya know, I could send you a hammer to use on your foot, the next time you feel that migraine comin' on! Heeeeee!
  • Sorry to hear about Buddy, @SweetP. The good thing is dogs aren't vain so he won't care that he'll be an one-eyed dog. I have a serious question that may sound silly: How will the eye cavity be protected once the eye is removed? I doubt Buddy would like an eye patch or a glass eye :-)
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