The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2190
  • @Kelani, E.J. Snyder's "acting" credits are all "himself". Alison Teal has no acting credits. Manu Toigo appears to have acted in few short movies. Hank Leukart is a producer of the show.

    Anyway, to each their own -- I just really like this particular show even though I avoid other reality shows like plague. Some people like watching burly men cut wood with modified motorcycles, some like NFL, and I like survival shows. I bet if Armageddon comes I'll survive the longest though :=>

    p.s. You have to check out new Dual Survival then…the new guy (Matt something) rocks.
  • @Hunnybunny, I thought I already made an 8-16 video?

    BTW, finally got 232K on 8-20...
  • Well done on 8-20 @fenikus
    You did make 8-16 video, but the high scorer has a different strat that I just can't get to grips with, just asking, if you were a little bored, to give it a try......
  • @fenikus You looked at the 'Self' section of E.J. Snyder's bio. He has an 'Acting' section which is all bit parts: golfer, mobster, tourist. Alison Teal has no acting credits, but a pile of direction/production/writing credits counts for me. :) Was that Hank guy the producer who got snakebit? Since you recommend it, I'll check DS out again. I didn't think they could find a good Cody replacement.

    I think you'll definitely survive post-armageddon, man. Those agrarian communes will desperately need math teachers and someone to program their comput...oh wait. No electricity. Nevermind! :D
  • @hunnybunny, you mean mr. @rat? He's got his 130k on that level - and my new target. But, he has to wait, first things first. I'm getting withdrawal symptoms, tomorrow there will be soccer again, yeah! Excuse me, that's also a addictive something for me. For now, flinging is done, going to do something else. Have a nice friday(evening) @all
  • #24 also needs a good 1-bird strategy posted. I somehow got 95k with some variant of the video's 2nd shot, but can't remember what it was.
  • @Kelani, no -- it was Steve Rankin. Google his name with "snake bite"…I won't post a link here because the images are really graphic. He's lucky to still have his leg and he's still recovering over a year later.

    Actor or not, anyone who goes on this show is hardcore IMO. Except one obnoxious foul-mouthed stay at home mom who left the challenge after 2 days because she couldn't stand being bitten by mosquitos. I don't how she got selected in the first place.

    Re: Dual Survival…if they fired the military guy and kept Cody and paired him up with this Matt guy…now that would be a show to watch!
  • @bernersenn…I know, right? Two weeks of more soccer than you can possibly watch and then they hit us with NO games for a WHOLE day!
  • @Hunnybunny, I did try 8-16 one-birder method…it works (only 93K so far though). I used bonneypattycat's aiming point.
  • @fenikus 93k was about as far as I managed. Not prepared to say how long I tried!
  • Hi everyone ;) I will try to catch up :/ I'm at my crazy sister house right now.. Going to see my nephew♡♡♡♡ I'm pysched!!
    Anyway yep @mvnla2 #28 was interesting I Did do pretty good.. not great but #8 :)
    Pa Sorry you haven't been feeling good. .that sux.. but glad you feeling a bit better♡
    @bernersenn on #2 I didn't do to good #26 :/ still need work. .
    I'll catch up later. .sorry..
  • Ha ha As soon as I speak I hit 97k with that method, but about 200 points less than my best with the reliable @fenikus method!
  • You better do better than that @Hunnybunny. @fenikus and @Kathy are coming up fast.
  • Mrs. Bunny, I think I'm onto something on 8-16…just got 95K with 4 birds. It could have easily been with 3.
  • @rat it's a marathon, not a sprint
    Now who keeps saying that?

    @fenikus WTG let us know when you crack it!
  • {grumble} I'd rather run a blankety-blanking marathon than play some of these levels.
  • {grumble} I'd rather have @kelani's scores!
    Goodnight. I made a huge 310 points today, obsession on some levels ain't getting me nowhere.
    Dreadful grammar there, Bunny, dreadful!
  • Beak Impact update: So far the Rat is still out in front, but coming around the final turn, here comes @Burpie, with @fenikus close behind in third place. We got ourselves a rat race. Fourth, five and sixth place are way behind at the clubhouse turn.
  • Last pop in before bed
    @rat seems you've overlooked @kelani think he's swimming above you in the one half of the Beak sewer lol
  • And he was finally just buoyed by another 2k. whew.

    @hunnybunny they always leave me out of their little 'watch out' lists. Ya get used to it. :) I just take out my huwt feewings on the levels. :>
  • @Kelani, I think we're talking aggregate scores for part 1 and part 2.

    Rat 5,200,770
    burpie 5,174,390
    fenikus 5,162,980
    Kelani 5,110,840

    I'm sure the ranking will change once you give Beak 1 proper attention (and @Hunnybunny and @bernersenn do the same with Beak 2).
  • @Rat9, you must be adding the scores for Beak 1 & 2. I guess we're the only two guys crazy enough to play them in earnest simultaneously.

    I see you finally got around to the Eggsteroid levels... two down, two to go :-)
  • Ah, so @Fenikus is crazy, too ;-)
  • @fenikus well, now that you posted that list, I'll have to get busy. :)

    Eggsteroids. I completely forgot them. No wonder my overall Space rank suffered.
  • I wish I had a video of @burpie's 176k score on #34. Bet that was fun to watch.
  • Awww I'll never catch up:/ hi again everyone I tried really i did but..
    OB I'll take a PigKiller please..I know i know ya ya I'll come up with something new on vacation:)
  • Yay. I was about to hang out the "BP Abandoned for the weekend" sign again.

    @Kathy you said that in BR, and look where you ended up. Do what ya did then: Don't think of it as catching up to everyone, just catch the guy in front of you. :)
  • I am confounded by level 8-18. I don't even know how I got my own highscore of 133K, let alone how to get to 140K range. I just got a 1-birder that cleared almost everything in sight and still only 129K. This is another level where I think popping pigs with green stuff makes a difference.
  • LOL. This is my first occurrence where whining actually worked for me…the very next fling after my post above brought me 135K. Still don't know how to get to 140.
  • Thanks @kelani ;) brings to mind the Wise Words of a great philosopher. ."its not a sprint it's a marothon ;) thanks for the buck up;)
  • Guess who's back?
    I'm at a summer camp at Mississippi State university. It teaches computer security and such. We decrypted some data, learned how hackers do their job, and even got to hack some Android games. Unfortunately the methods we used don't work for Angry Birds. :^( I'm about to make an Angry Birds Epic resource guide in the forums. For now though, I'll stay here.
  • Welcome Back @theanonymoussomone ..
  • Awesome sounds like your learning a lot @theanonymoussomone ;) would you like some crispy ears..on the house of course; )
  • Well, not much has been going on lately. I've had a lazy summer up until this week. But I will have a lot of stuff I'm going to after this. This camp itself has been kind of boring. Still interesting though. I know a lot more than I did before I came.
  • You know what? I think I'll just have a salad. I don't need those unhealthy pig ears after eating nothing but processed food from a college campus for three days. But...... I guess I'll have one.
  • That's o.k @theanonymoussomone A nice Lazy summer is a good thing:) and you did learn someting lol;) have you played the new Space update ? That's where we are all flinging now.. well most of us..
    Have you met @kelani before? He's kinda the new guy ;)
  • OB please get Tas whatever he wants on the house:) nice to have you back;)
  • mmm. processed food.
  • I Give Up! ! On 8-29 !!! I know kids bikkit Tuesday but i don't care block your ears everyone
  • WWWwwwHhhhhhiiiiiinnnnneeeee WWWwwwHhhhhhiiiiiinnnnneeeee
  • @Kathy there's lots of better levels out there. Don't worry about that one. It's 100% luck, anyway.

    edit: yep, let me know when you hit #34. *I* am going on vacation exactly then ;D
  • I've met Kelani before. And I did play the space update. I think it may be the last update though. Also Rovio said they would finish the Space comic after a big update. Maybe this is it?
  • @tas I've seen you around few times. So you played Beak Impact that just came out, or something previous? I think this one definitely qualifies as a big update, what with 48 levels and all.
  • Ohh no @theanonymoussomone say it Aint sooo.. don't let Rat hear that. .well lose him forrver:(
  • whoops, I misread that. Yeah, the Space episode list is getting pretty big.
  • Rat isn't gonna leave just cause I said something about AB Space. It's my personal opinion and he does not have to respect that.
  • I just finished my AB Epic Resource handbook. It's on the forums. Have you guys played Epic yet?
  • Sorry @theanonymoussomone I didn't mean to imply that:/
    I was kinda joking..cuz if There were No more Space update ever then Rat may not want to dinging anymore. .but i know he'd never leave us;)right @Pa *she says worriedly*
  • I guess tonight is not my flinging night:( can't get Any points
  • I haven't played Epic yet Tas .. actually don't even know what it is? Is it a FB thing?
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