The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2168
  • I took a screenshot of my leave on level #8 but i can't seem to find it.. it is not in my gallery:(
    O.k really leaving that one alone for now. .moving on
    @kelani enjoy the off -key teenage singing:0
  • That sounds terrifying @kelani.
  • OMGirraffe I seriously just got ripped off in level #9
    I SAW the counter in the top right read 60k + whatever
    BUT when the level ended and the score showed with the stars screen it only says 58k !!
    I have more than that anyway but just sayin ' :/
  • @Kathy I mean real kids. They're like 8-10 yrs old and highly caffeinated.
    @Lyrian It is terrifying. The ballads are the worst. I wish my noise-cancelling headphones had a setting for 'wannabe diva screech'
  • Ooohhh myyy @kelani that's even worse than i thought. .good luck ..:(
  • Are they outside or in?
  • @kelani I'm trying to think of something you could do that would make them stop, but I'm not coming up with anything that won't land you in jail.
  • @Kathy Outside. They've got an above-ground pool and a big sand pit around it. It's serving as an impromptu stage.

    @Lyrian let's not be too hasty. You only land in jail if you get caught. :>
  • @kelani, this is true. I happen to be a pessimist, so I plan for the worst and tend to not be disappointed. But, on the legal side, does your town have a noise ordinance?
  • @Kelani Oh lucky you!! How late do you think it will go?
  • Lol @Lyrian I was trying to think of something to haaha
    @kelani you could dress up like a crazy person and take Swipe for a walk by lol;)
  • Or just blast your stereo?
  • @Lyrian we do, but even the cops break it.

    @Rat well for 10yr olds, one wouldn't think too late, but two nights ago, they had a pool party that went well past 11pm.

    They're not being really loud. I can't hear them inside, but I was working in the yard and I had to stop because I loathe bad singing. That's why I can count on one hand the number of minutes I've watched any TV talent show. :)

    If all else fails, I have a 2000W amp, full-spectrum speakers and an ultrasonic tone generator. That'd work great, but it'd also severely piss off every animal in a half-mile radius
  • @Kathy when Swipe was a kitten, I did take him for walks in his little kitty harness. Judging by the pile of phone numbers I'd get, I didn't look too much like a crazy person, though.
  • Guess what i learned today? You'll never guess. .for a numpty I did pretty good:) and i never have to worry about losing progress again! !
  • I'm gonna let it go. I'm much too young to start shaking a cane at a buncha whippersnappers. Right, @Rat? ;)

    edit: @Kathy did you learn how to backup? I saw you learned some phone dictionary stuff earlier. Busy day for you :)
  • Hee heee.oopsy that is a scary one..:( sorry couldn't leave it was too scary. .
    But anyway @kelani at least it might get you a date then and out of the house lol..
  • Yeppers ! I learned how to back up to my p.c. ;) did a darn good job too
  • About the time @Swipe turned 3, he let me know he didn't wanna go on any more walks. He tore the harness up and hid the pieces.
  • @Kathy well congrats, you're ahead of me :) My ipad is 100% unbacked-up
  • Did I seriously just @mention my cat? *shakes head*
  • Ahaha really He tore it up! ! And hid the pieces lol tooo funny! !
    Are you serious..a computer whiz like you haven't back up your iPad?
    There are instructions here somewhere. .in a forum somewhere you use carbon ..helium its easy ..I had help though. .cuz I'm a numpty lol;)
  • HahahaHAAHAAA I didn't even notice the @Swipe ...hoooheeee
  • Lol wait till you say it out loud in real life hee hee..
  • @Kathy you mean AtSwipe? If I do that, i'm getting rid of my electronics. :P Anyway, I just haven't gotten around to backing up ipad. Most of my good scores are on PC, and if I get a high score, I save a screenshot to PC. Other than that, ABN is my ipad long as there's no major crash, I'm OK.
  • Aw, this Space update made it so you can't free-resize the screen any way you want. It has to stay rectangular. Now we can't find more stuff offscreen the easy way.
  • Whadda ya mean @kelani 'free size 'the screen?
  • Level #9 has got to be the MOST Boooring level i ever played over and over.. and over..
  • @kelani -- No need to blast the teens with ultrasonic noise. Just blast them with Beethoven's fifth, or some other classical piece. If you don't have something available, they're all on YouTube.
  • @Kathy on PC, like how you'd resize a window to be whatever size you want. Before, you could resize the AB screen horizontally to be like as wide as your hand, but full-size vertically. That let you see stuff offscreen. Like on that Anchors Aweigh level, If I resized it right, I could see that whole planet.
  • Lol good thinking @mvnla2 :)
  • Ohh on the P.C. @kelani i see.. I've have never played on the pc.. if o had my computer hooked up I would... some day i will; )
  • @mvnla2 pre-teens, and fortunately, they went to bed :P btw, it'd take me awhile to pick a version of the 5th. I have almost every version of any Beethoven work that's been recorded. Same with any other classical composer anyone's ever heard of :P My digital music collection is ferocious.
  • @Kathy when you do and get used to it, you'll kick yourself repeatedly for doing it on possessed phone for so long. ;)
  • Lol @kelani i already kicked myself for flinging on the phone for so long when i got my tablet. .but I'm sure I'll still kick myself when i get it on PC ;)
  • @Kathy Do you fling with left hand now? After that, moving to right hand + mouse takes some serious getting used to.
  • Why oh why won't that darn swinging claw get sucked into the gravity on level#9 it's really frustrating. .
  • I always fling with my left index finger @kelani. .i was just joking about the right handed flip over tablet thing hee hee.. but i am ambidextrous so I'm sure I'll get the hang of it:)
  • @Kathy I'm left handed, but we have to do so much stuff right handed our brains don't know what to think. Is #9 being mean to you? #33 sure is to me.
  • @all I'm not ready to put up a Rat StRAT on level 40 yet. But I think I'm on to something.
  • Yes they are All being mean to me tonight @kelani
    I'm predominatley right handed but i do a lot of things backwards that seems like I'm a lefty and my daughter is left handed so I think like you said ..I was forced to use right hand in school. .needless to say i have terrible handwriting either way lol.
  • I did pick up a few points but nothing to cheer about:/
  • @Rat Does on to something mean you found an extra 20k again? :P

    @Kathy better learn those levels. When I finish B2 and go back to B1, Imma be bugging you for help :)
  • That stupid swinging arm is friggin driving me nutters!!
  • @Kathy ohhhh. THAT level. Yuck. 33 made me mad, so I went to look and see if I could help ya, I hate that level more than #33. :P

    edit: oh you know how that wood ball spirals to the planet surface and breaks right before score tally? On PC, it doesn't do that. It just flies off into space.
  • No @Kelani. But I do have a new high score and see the potential for more.
  • @Rat you using my #2 shot by any chance?
  • I think you've given me enough to think about in BI #2 @Kelani. Go play with part one for a while. I'm not going anywhere.
  • Sorry. I don't know what you're number two shot is @Kelani. I can get to the score I have now with 3 or 5 birds. Still fleshing out the stRATegy. Scores over 240k are possible though.
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