The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2112
  • @kathy hey! ((Hugs)) sorry,just quick pop in as watching movie with hubby. Yep the £ was right. £15 a month to be exact! Nope sorry,not going there for the one race we seriously watch. I'm sorry but I didn't realise it was Memorial Day over there. I know we changed our avys last November for Remembrance Sunday but didn't know about the U.S one. My bad :(
  • (((((Hugs)))) don't blame ya fir not spending the money it stinks when they do that:(
    And nooo problem. .dront expect ya to remember u.s. holidays; ) enjoy your movie
    I'm watching 'the contract' with Samuel Jackson look like a good one..
    See ya soon♥
  • Ooops Morgan Freeman lol..
  • Haahaaaa! Nice one @kathy! I thought the confusion was with Samuel and Laurence though?!! I should know better about the holidays,Mum told me she was going to Austin for the weekend. It's hard being multi-vacational in here LOL!
    We're watching "Leon". The young Lolita Natalie Portman is outstanding!
  • I've just finished watching The Best Exotic Marigold hotel! Love Judi Dench and Maggie Smith! Could watch them painting a wall! Oh @JLZ666 - no wonder you're spitting mad - hopefully the liquid lunch will go ahead anyway! Well that's me done for the night. OB would you be a dear and ask the blues to take this pile of dusters over to B&R for me? Thank you! Gngb @all
  • @jlz yay for Natalie! She is quite a good actress. I've got her autograph on my studio wall. :) btw, I'm close to heat stroke, so pardon my stupidity, but I didn't follow your time travel comment to me on p2111?

    @Kathy Hey! Morgan Freeman can't be in your movie. He's doing his Science channel show on my TV right now! :P That guy is *everywhere*

  • Night @Mumsie the blues are on the way to B &R with your delivery.
    @jlz666 Laurence? Idk
    @kelani yes he's everywhere ;) he's that good..
  • Mumsie hears a ding - oh thanks @kathy (((hugs)))
  • Oooooo it's lucky I've seen Leon so many times that I can lurk and pop in!
    @kelani She's a beautiful actress as an adult but I fell in love with her in this movie!
    Sorry for the confusion about time travel but I was answering your last comment to me a couple of pages back about CC ;)
    @mumsie nighty night! I love Judy as well. I watched that movie on a flight a couple of years ago and loved it! It's a perfect example of exquisite English acting.
    @Kathy a news anchorman in U.S famously confused Samuel L Jackson with Laurence Fishbourne about a football game(?) ad. Samuels reaction was priceless!!
  • Oohhh Yeah @jlz66 now i remember that caused quite a stir!! Lol opsy I guess i kinda just did almost the same but totally unintentional ;/ ackk I'll shut up now
    *inserts foot in mouth*
  • Hidey ho Fellow River Rats!! Movie over predictable:/
    Ah well I'm getting nowhere fast paddling upstream; (
    OB I'll have a Marmoset Killer and a plate of Krispy Marmoset Paws please:)
  • @Kathy ewww. fried paws? *gark*
  • @jlz Ahh, I finally got your reference. And it only took me two hours! :) First movie I remember seeing NP in was 'Heat', back in 1995.
  • Dear BBC,

    Thank you for diligently producing quality science-oriented programming for export to US audiences. Your documentaries are like glittering opals in the open sewer that is American television. However, in the future, should any production for American markets contain the word "geyser", please instruct your narrator to stop pronouncing it so it rhymes with seizure; i.e. "GEE-zer". I assure you, that means something quite different over here, and the more you say it, the less we're able to take you seriously.


    Kelani Z.
  • Hey @kelani Paws just the same as pig's feet pickled that is but ya now that i think of it yuck
    Ob I'll take some crispy pig ears instead. .soo i need to check the boards?
  • I don't see 2.6 yet @kelani looks like @fenikus has a chance to get there. .sooo once you get there then what? Your ditching the rest of the BP River Five? Ha we will track you ...ouch squito's are out darn..
  • @Kathy We're all gonna get there, eventually. Let's see, I got 2,000 points in the last 6 days, so I'm not going anywhere fast. All my remaining point factory levels have that crappy PC score disease, and my ipad's out of town for the next 4 days.
  • Awww sorry @kelani I missed that. Your right we'll all get there..determination; )
  • @Kathy I'm so hard up for points, I'm actually playing #3 again.
  • Lol I just tried#3 but no go.. I'm trying everywhere. Problem is the repetition. .the more you fling in one level the higher the score goes. Like progressive scoring I Guess idk seems that way to me.the 3 P's definitely a factor.
  • I swear, it seems like the higher your total score, the less "good" scores you get.
  • I wouldn't know about that @kelani lol I'm still in the 70's
    I'M working on #4 seems none of us have got that one down. .and there is no help in the walkthrough. .is all about feathers. .
  • @Kathy I have it worked out, just figured everyone knew how to do it.

    Did you know there are 2 levels nobody's ever mentioned in here (that I've seen anyway)
  • Ya @kelani I guess #4 is one .. what's the other?
  • That second shot up high is really a tough one..or im just tired. .I can't seem to get it. I keep hitting the side of the hill:/
  • @Kathy Nope. 4's been discussed. I'm thinking of #1 and #18. Maybe 15, too.

    Shot 2, I fling at like 60-70 degrees. trigger a bit after he starts falling. If you can't get it by tomorrow, I'll post ya a screenshot.
  • Hold on now..brb
  • I'm tired too. Had to get up early, so I only got 4hr sleep. if I don't get 7-1/2, I'm a clumsy, sluggish moron.
  • Me to. .o.k ya your right #1 #18 not much discussion. But#4 if you can send me some help.. but hey aren't i ahead of you there... but still that second shot syx!!
  • @Kathy I'm like 1,400 pts ahead on #4. That's the level I got 800 or so pts on today.

    okie, I'll whip up a shot in the morning. I'd do it now, but I'm too tired to make the shot accurately :P
  • Np @kelani I'm tired I'm just flinging myself to sleep lol;)
    OB I'll have a hmmm something to put my flinging brain to sleep.
  • ether cocktail?
  • Lol sounds about right @kelani. .hee hee..
  • hee. 8) I believe 3's about to get abandoned again.
  • I also believe #4 will be abandoned on my end lol or else tablet going through closed window. .
    Think it's time for night night. :/
  • yah, I should try to eat and sleep. Ooh, I forgot, I spent an hour trying the underwater shot on #3. Looks fun, doesn't do much, though.
  • mraow! great pic @Kathy what big eyes, too.

    nighty :)
  • Hmmm... Looks like everyone is out today. See you all later.
  • Finally! Now that I've chased everyone off, I can check out all those princess dresses @Rat keeps sending me.
  • @kelani, other people, listen. Ever got a period that nothing works? I left BR to gain some new energy for 'my' #14. What happens? Nothing. Lost all my skills. Took a few 'simple' levels: nothing. Even my specialties, yellow and green bird, didn't what I wanted them to do. Is that normal, will it come back?
  • @bernersenn it happens to all of us, but I'm 100% positive it's not your skills. AB games either have a timed cycle of good/bad scores, or a variable that alters the game in several ways, basically playing God despite your best efforts. I've been tracking scores, dates and times on a few BR levels to try and find what it is. The reason I know it's not your skills, is because the same thing happens on testbox. If your varying scores are the result of human inaccuracy, that should disappear with a robot player, but it doesn't! Trust me, I will get to the bottom of it. :)

    edit: When that stuff starts happening to me, I play a few obscure levels in another episode; something I never play. Almost always, everything works great again. It's like the game penalizes you for overplaying certain levels.
  • @Kelani: Whoa dude, that's deep. Probably too deep, IMO :) Let's assume for a second that your theory is correct -- is it your opinion that AB developers did this on purpose or they somehow unbeknownst to themselves created this artificial intelligence "monster"?
  • @bernersenn, the skills will come back, don't worry. I assume you played or still play sports, right? You know how sometimes you're in the zone and everything goes your way and then you take a 5 minute breeder and you become a clumsy fool all of the sudden? Same thing here, IMO. I usually take a break from the game completely when I'm in the rut and come back to it couple of days later. As much as I hate to agree with Mr. @Rat on anything, his analysis that you need concentration and attention to detail when playing AB is spot on. When I simply go through the motions playing a level (like you probably are at this point with #14), I never score good.
  • @fenikus It's no theory. The levels aren't static. When some shake at startup, they don't always come to rest in the same way. The other noticeable example is the reset button, which sometimes moves around by 10-20 pixels. Testbox plays a static reset macro after each run. It clicks where reset is on Level Cleared, then clicks the in-game reset. Whe i started Rio tests, I had to click near the 5:00 edge so the macro would work on Rio & Space. After some bizarre runs caused by the game not resetting I noticed it would occasionally miss the in-game button because it wasn't there anymore :)

    I think when a level starts, a (hopefully) random seed makes tiny alterations to things like:

    Bird mass/speed/damage inflicted
    Block,plank,etc.. mass/hit points

    Of course it's by design. The mystery is: Is it just a random physics tweak to keep the appearance of randomness, or is it that diabolical mathematical system pinball designers used keep the balance between challenging/fun. If it's the latter, then that means an evil algorithm chooses whether your awesome play deserves a reward or punishment. I don't think I'd like that.

    edit: of course you're right about the off days & not being in the zone also being factors.

  • @Kelani: sure, sure, I noticed the things you described. Minuscule movements in structures that settle differently each time, and even that after a while the same shot is not working. But I adjust, very similarly to how a sniper adjusts his aim. I think it makes it fun and more challenging. But I doubt the game itself tightens scoring when you get to certain point level, I'm guessing it's just a perception. When you're in the zone, you adjust effortlessly almost without thinking and when you're not, you sometimes feel like the game is out to get you.
  • BTW, when you got your top 174K score on BR-13, you said some of the small stones fell down ton the boat platform…how does that even happen?

    Edit: BR-13 is actually a perfect example where you have to adjust your aim fairly frequently to get the wanted results.
  • Also @Kelani: Did you know that debris falling on a bird the certain way scores you points? It's particularly apparent with Matilda.
  • @fenikus 'out to get me' just sounds paranoid. :) A better term is handicap, or sliding difficulty scale :D I don't really think such a soul-crushing score limiter is in AB, (easily checked by tracking avg. score on a level over time.) but I know the random physics tweakage occurs. I tested one shot in Space where Red had to break through a vertical stone plank. Identical shots remove all the variables, yet 60% of the time, Red would bounce off.

    Hmm.. I dunno if I get in the zone or am just acquiring a feel for a shot from repetition. If I practice a shot for an hour, I do get damn accurate without having to think about it. I saw a neat program where a neuroscientist figured out where to zap the human head with electrodes to put people in the zone. A 20-minute session made novice archery students as accurate as a professional archer.

    I want one of those! :)
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