Is "Scores Adding 5" bug is space fixed?
  • I haven't seen this bug since v1.1 was released, is it officially fixed now? It still says no in the bugs section of ABN.
  • We are working on confirming a few of the bugs. I plan on playing Space from scratch on a new device and working toward achieving the "Pig Bang Score Addict" from scratch. During that process, I should be able to confirm whether "Scores Adding 5" and "Gravitational Escape" have been fixed.
  • Sorry to butt in here, Slim. But I believe after looking at the leaderboards for Fry Me to the Moon, it looks like the "Scores Adding 5" bug might be gone.
  • @amslimfordy @rdnzlrips82 They must have removed the ability for a score to end in a 5 after the update. Old scores with 5 aren't affected.
  • Yeah. I was still getting them after the first update the day after release. I haven't seen them since Fry update.
  • Thanks guys. I think so too but I'm going to start a game from scratch on my girlfriends phone and see if there are any issues in Pig Bang and such. I suspect it is fixed, but this will be a fun way to confirm a few things.
  • In that case, slim. Good luck and happy flinging!
  • Scores Ending in 5 seems to have been fixed. I played through Pig Bang with no scores ending in 5.

    I also have not yet achieved "Gravitational Escape", implying that it may be fixed.
    Hopefully I can get Score Addict soon as well.
  • Got Score Addict at 1.9M, but also got reports of another user obtaining the achievement at 1.9M in Danger Zone.
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