High Score proof (answered) Page 1
  • I was watching videos of level 1-1 where people are breaking 36,000 and occasionally even 37,000, and I noticed that there's a small stone block at the top of the structure which can smash another 2,000 points or so, maybe more. I don't have that stone block. I have also seen videos of people skipping the bird off the top of the pigs in level 1-2, racking up another 1,000 points more than what is possible with the "bounce back" technique. After a million unsuccessful attempts, I am convinced that this is impossible on my iPod/Pad version. Truly not all Angry Birds platforms are created equal, and not all is fair.

    My point is to ask this question. Is it possible that you could have a system in place where people have to submit information about which device they play on? I'll be darned if anyone is getting much over 35,000 on level 1-1 without the advantage of the stone block. Also, there should be a point at which users be required to submit proof (a screenshot of the actual level, not the gamecenter or crystal leaderboards as they can be hacked) of their high scores. For example level 1-1, anything over 35,000, at least on my device, would be a good threshold. 36,000 or 37,000 for the higher scoring version. Top 10 or 20 or whatever. I'd be more than happy to submit a screenshot of my 178,570 for level 17-6. It would probably be impossible for any one person to manage all of this, but surely a bot or something can be written to do the work.
  • This already exists. In the user profile on the main site, you have the option to set your primary platform. And our top scorer for 1-1 is a Mac player just over 36k. See more: http://www.angrybirdsnest.com/leaderboard/angry-birds/?level=1
  • Ohh. I guess I need to explore the site a little more then. Thanks.
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