Angry Birds Keeps Asking for Registration Key Page 1
  • Hey Bird peeps , I purchased a registration key for the full version awhile ago and have been playing for a long time. And actually have all level 2 and three stars now going back to make all level 3 ( just noting how long I hev been playing lol ). I went to play today on pc as usual and its locking me out of all but stage 1 asking for registration key ? Its still shows all my scores for all stages though. Was the key not a one time purchase ? I dont have the email anymore when I ordered the game.
  • You should always keep your registration emails. The key is a one-time purchase, but occasionally on app updates, the registration code will be lost during the update.
  • The best advice I can offer is to contact [email protected], but since you don't have the reg. key email, I would imagine you don't have your order number either.
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