Animated ads in the Android Free versions of Seasons Page 1
  • Has anyone else noticed these animated ads? The ones where the birds fly in from the upper right and carry a banner, then fly back away.

    Interesting implementation, but annoying as hell to me. There is also the big pig that shows up tied to a pull down that fills up the screen if you accidentally hit it.
  • You would have to contact Rovio about that.
  • Doesn't bother me enough to contact anyone. Was just curious if anyone else saw them.
  • I haven't seen them either, but would like to.
  • I've since noticed there are a few of them.

    1) King Pig shows up in the corner of a level, with a "pull down flap" for the ad, and an X to close the ad. When he shows up in the upper right, the game pauses.
    2) The birds fly into the top right of the screen carrying an ad banner, about the standard size, it waits around for a few seconds, then flies back off the screen. The game is playable at this point.
    3) Sometimes when loading the game, the entire screen will go black for a full screen ad. to get out of this ad, I have to use my back button twice to return to the loading screen.
  • I have noticed them also. First time I saw the birds flying in, i thought it was some new feature, only to be greatly disappointed when it turned out to be an ad.
    Also, I have noticed some ads that take up about 3/4 of the screen and don't go away very quickly. I have had to, on occasion, quit birds, force stop the game and re-launch it to get rid of them. Not complaining though, it's FREE!
  • Sometimes if I close the full-screen ads, it just gives me a black screen. Hitting your back button will take you back to the menu / title screen.
  • I find it easy to just turn off my Wi-Fi and/or go to Airplane Mode. Thrn the ads don't get in the way as much
  • Normally I just try to ignore the ads that appear while playing the various versions of Angry Birds. But while I was playing the latest version of ABS, Year of the Dragon, I happened to notice that one of the ads is for Angry Birds Seasons. I think it's a bit funny to advertise for a game that I am currently playing. Is it just me, or is it a bit redundant to advertise in the game for the game you are playing? Just think its a bit funny.
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